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AOC Calls Out Scott Walker's BS and Then Gives Him A Lesson In Economics

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski


Former governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker thought that this tweet was going to be a total killer tweet in which he would reveal to the world that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's ideas are so bad, that even 5th graders understand that they are:

I have my own thoughts on Walker's tweet, but AOC's response was great, and why Scott Walker's analogy was for 5th graders:

Economics 101: The working and middle classes are getting screwed when their tax rates are similar to that of the wealthy classes, and on top of that, income inequality will grow.

The incompetence of the Democratic Party and their abandonment of the working class has given the Right to express populist rhetoric while still being pawns for the elite, and that is why AOC is enemy number one.

With people like AOC, the Democratic Party could maybe get back to the roots of what the party use to represent.

Ben Shapiro will say he doesn't care about her, even though he tweets and writes about her a lot, and Scott Walker will stupidly try and discredit her because the reality is, the ideas she supports are popular.

This Hill article title sums that up:

The Hill (click on headline to read)

As The Hill notes it's not just leftists and Democrats who support this idea, but conservatives as well.

The Hill (emphasis mine):

"Women support the idea by a 62-38 percent margin. A majority of men back it as well, 55 percent to 45 percent. The proposal is popular in all regions of the country with a majority of Southerners backing it by a 57 to 43 percent margin. Rural voters back it as well, 56 percent to 44 percent.

Increasing the highest tax bracket to 70 percent garners a surprising amount of support among Republican voters. In the Hill-HarrisX poll, 45 percent of GOP voters say they favor it while 55 percent are opposed to it."

Here you go Democrats, do you want to fucking win, or do you want to make your money being a pawn for oligarchs?

AOC is promoting policies similar to those of Franklin Roosevelt's, but then again, he only won four presidential elections...

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