"Ben Shapiro is an unrelenting douchebag," is what I wrote back in October.
"Ben Shapiro is a glorified troll. He 'slams' liberals with incorrect, ahistorical information."
Well, Ben Shapiro is at it again.
The man who had his dad write positively about him, said this at the University of Pittsburg, documented by ThinkProgress, Shapiro said (emphasis mine):
"But to Jews worldwide, and to Jews more deeply over time, the clear answer to which of these types of anti-Semitism is most threatening is not the white supremacist threat. The real answer is institutionalized left-wing anti-Semitism, which works in combination with radical Islamic anti-Semitism at a high level. "
The timing of his comments are a perfect example of Ben Shapiro. As America goes weeks with anti-Semitic rhetoric and violence, Ben Shapiro is there to turn reality on its head, and does his work as a douchebag troll.
ThinkProgress writes:
"Last month, 11 people were massacred at a synagogue in Pittsburgh. The suspect, who has been chargedwith 29 federal crimes, reportedly trafficked in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that have been promoted by Republicans like Trump, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA), Rep. Louis Gohmert (TX), and Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL)."
Not to mention, the guy who sent "bombs" to Trump opponents.
Which is why I say Ben Shapiro is a "glorified troll."
You have Republicans, including Trump, who believe in at least one George Soros conspiracy, yet you didn't see a single thing like that from the Democratic Party.
And don't give me the Louis Farrakhan bullshit. People on the left don't give a fuck about him.
Ben Shapiro is an opportunist troll... Fuck him....