On Twitter this is what Trump has said about a Domestic terrorist:

A three word retweet, and an empty platitude talking about the common sense job of a fucking President!
Now lets look at tweets where Donald Trump was using his emotions and his real thoughts:

- He refers to the media as fake news, so you should too.
- The New York Times wrote a fake story, and that he rarely uses a cellphone, although, he's fucking TWEETING on a phone. So what, the president is tweeting on a government line?
- If CNN is so lowly rated, why the fuck do you care what they think? Reality of it is, Donald Trump has given CNN life if nothing else. If he'd just shut the fuck up, they would write less about him, but quieting CNN is not what he is going for.
Donald Trump is going for the end of Democracy, so that he can become a dictator like Kim Jong Un, after all, they "fell in love."
That we have people like congressman Steve King (R-IA) in our political system should be insane enough, but that is the stupefying times that we find ourselves.
But the current President of the United States is clearly more upset about negative news coverage than a domestic terrorist. How is this not considered a threat to out democracy?
Our President more worried about a "lowly rated" news outlet, than he is about domestic terrorists? In any other presidency that is a scandal, and they are taken out of office.
What will come of this? Nothing. He'll just tweet something insane that is also filled with lies, while making policies that suck...
Never mind, our democracy is threatened....