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Yes, Donald Trump Really Fucking Did This

I chose to use the picture above for two reasons. 1) I love to talk shit and mock this piece of shit. 2) This story is about his fucking...

Fuck You Donald Trump, Seriously, Fuck You!

I turned on CNN for a minute today, and I saw something that infuriated me so much that I had to take a picture of it on my phone: "I...

Donald Trumps' Twitter Tirade Today

The recount of votes is being held in Florida for the governorship, and for the Senate in both Florida and Arizona. It began last night:...

The Truth About The Tucker Carlson Incident This Week

Tucker Carlson is a piece of shit. This is why a small group of protesters went to his house to protest his decision to continuously spew...

Rubio, Trump & Republicans Are Fucking Idiots

"Look, the Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office sucks. It screwed up in 2000, got caught breaking the law by deleting ballots in...

Florida Being Florida

During the midterms, the people of Florida chose Ron DeSantis to be Governor, and former governor Rick Scott as Senator. As someone who...

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Lies (Again)

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for me has been Trump’s best fascist foot soldier possible for that position. Sure Sean Spicer is...

Beliefs are Racist, Facts are Not

According to a new study (link 1) by the Public Religion Research Institute, 57 percent of white evangelicals said that immigrants...

B.S. Fear. Suppression. Repeat.

On Monday, a day before the midterms, Trump tweeted ( “Law...

Perpetuating Ignorance

“Can’t wait to be with the great people of southeastern North Carolina supporting @MarkHarrisNC9 for Congress in the 9th Congressional...

Lyin' Don

Trump tweeted this today: As everything Trump, his tweet is misleading and filled with lies. First, Schumer and Pelosi would raise taxes,...

Operation Faithful Pussies

Donald Trump is stoking fear and racism to push a bullshit idea about migrants coming from Honduras, calling it “an assault on our...

Trump Knows Shit About Immigration

Donald Trump likes to talk about the negative impacts of immigration: Trump doesn't care to tell you the numbers with regards to...

Donald Trump Doesn't Understand Geography

Donald Trump promoted Walker Stapleton for Governor: For those on Twitter, they questioned Trump's understanding of geography: One...

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