Donald Trump's Delusion: Women Can't See He's A Misogynistic Douchebag
Yesterday Donald Trump sent a tweet, in which he called Stormy Daniels "Horseface": In an interview with the AP, when asked if one should...
Yesterday Donald Trump sent a tweet, in which he called Stormy Daniels "Horseface": In an interview with the AP, when asked if one should...
Racist Congressmen Steve King (R-Iowa) is at it again. Steve King has routinely go onto social media to express his anti-Muslim and...
Remember when Donald Trump wrote that stupid op-ed in USA Today claiming that Democrats wanted to take away your healthcare? Trump wrote:...
Donald Trump tweeted calling Stormy Daniels "Horseface" it was Trump being Trump. Meaning, being a petty child, and a misogynist: Donald...
Donald Trump decided to start the day showing he sucks, so why not end the day like it too? In his interview with the AP, when was asked...
October 16, 2018, was another day of many in which he wanted to prove all those quotes correct. Here is Donald Trump's timeline on...
While at a rally in Montana, Donald Trump said that he would donate a million dollars to charity if Rep. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) took...
The other day I wrote a blog about how Donald Trump will not say publicly that Saudi Arabia was responsible for the death of journalist...
On October 12, Ivanka Trump showed how she lacked cognitive dissonance just as much as her father: Good cause Ivanka, too bad that you're...
Trump is mad that media outlets quoted him, or posted videos of Trump speaking at a rally in Ohio: Apparently NBC News version of his 5th...
We live in a war time economy, and Trump is willing to be more open about it than most: The reality is, the war time economy has been...
Capitalism is bullshit, just look at the picture above. Capitalism allows those above to fuck those below. Capitalism allows one to...
In an interview with 60 Minutes, Donald Trump showed that he does not want to acknowledge that it was in fact Saudi Arabia that murdered...
Trump has been attending a lot of rallies recently. Just look at the timeline of his tweets: Taking back your country from what? That's...
Donald Trump supporting a Republican is not shocking, nor would his reasoning for supporting a Republican. Meaning, uninformed or...
This last week of news shows us just how Donald Trump and the Republican Party is a party that is against Democracy, and the institutions...
To say that Trump is going to say something insane at his rally is cliche and an obvious statement. I don't grasp how people listen to...
CNN listed "The 45 Strangest Lines" from Trump's interview on Fox & Friends. Here were some of the lines that I liked: 8. "I have a lot...
Donald Trump doesn't want the world to laugh at the United States anymore. Even though, he is the reason that the world is laughing at...
This is just a screenshot: If you watch this short clip. You'll notice that it's all white people.... Unless.... You are Kanye......