top of page Is As Awful As It Sounds

This website is as awful as it sounds. A website by people who tell Colin Kaepernick to shut up and stop, but turnaround and whine how...

Trump Voters Cannot See How Truly Fucked They Are

- Will Trump supporters ever care to what he is doing? - Do they care that he talks tough about the military, but has yet to visit troops...

Trump's Op-Ed Was A Disaster

I have no problem with president's writing op-ed's. Why would you? It allows American citizens to hear from the president, and there is...

Quit Being Such A Whiny Bitch Trump

Donald Trump is upset that the news that surrounds him is so negative thanks to none other than himself, but instead of taking a moment...

This Is What You'll See On AltRight.Com

This is what you'll find on AltRight: The writing is as fucked as the title: AltRight is so hardcore at being fucked up in the head that...

Bryan Fischer Is A Nutcase

As reported by RightWingWatch, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer said that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh was "the...

This Is What You Can Find On 4chan

The site Angry White Men has a list of websites and media outlets that are connected to the alt-right and alt-lite. Honest Nonsense will...

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