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Chuck Grassely: A Millionaire Looking For Handouts

I'm a socialist. Not because people deserve "handouts," but that our nation's wealth should be spread out more equitably. That is not...

Hugh Hewitt, What The Fuck Man?

Hugh Hewitt on his radio show, said numerous times that Donald Trump was not mocking Christine Blasey Ford, but was rather "poking holes...

Ben Shapiro Is Such A Douchebag

Ben Shapiro is an unrelenting douchebag, which is why he feels the need to tell black people that the country Wakanda in the movie Black...

Tucker Carlson Is Worried About A White Genocide

Tucker Carlson is always saying insane shit, and lately it's been about his fears of a white genocide. He promoted the conspiracy theory...

Oligarchs Owning Media

"The problem with Donald Trump is not that he is imbecilic and inept," writes journalist and author Chris Hedges. "It is that he has...

Trump: Why Don't African Americans Like Me More?

Trump is still sad and confused as to why the African American community still doesn't like him? Maybe it's because they remember that...

Honest Nonsense Week 4 NFL Picks

Vikings vs Rams Jets vs Jaguars Dolphins vs Patriots Eagles vs Titans Texans vs Colts Bills vs Packers Lions vs Cowboys Buccaneers vs...

Tucker Carlson, The Internet Exists

Tucker Carlson watched Brett Kavanaugh's testimony regarding allegations that he sexually assaulted a fellow classmate, and claimed that...

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