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King Coal vs His People

Coal mining executive Bob Murray is still a defender of Trump, even though Trump has fulfilled his goals. “I do not believe that they...

It's Like He's Schizophrenic, But He's Just A Liar

After flying home from his incoherent-treasonous summit with Vladimir Putin, Trump went to be interviewed by the Trump-State television...

Who Gets Away With More?

Donald Trump is Benedict Arnold, and Alex Jones is Jospeh Goebbels. His job is to be a propagandist. After the murder of Heather Heyer at...

"George Soros is Always on My Mind"

When Alex Jones and other right-wingers talks about “Globalists," their go-to’s are Henry Kissinger and George Soros. Alex Jones and...

Trump is Benedict Arnold

Benedict Arnold was a general during the Revolutionary War. His fame came in the Revolutionary War from his act of treason and betrayal...

"Classical Liberal": Classic Douche

If I was at a gathering of people, and someone I was talking to described themselves as a “classic liberal.” My first thought would be,...

Season of the Witch

As I discussed a little in Episode 2 of the podcast, the right going at Peter Strzok is the true witch hunt. Trump tweeted recently “How...

The Bench Warmer Who Talks Shit

People made a big deal about the boisterous rhetoric from Donald Trump at the NATO meetings yesterday. He’s trying to break up the...

A Short Rant On Immigration While Drunk

I just got done, I mean, I just got fucking done writing another blog about the treatment of migrants, and the fucking hell the Trump...

Making A Deal With The Devil

Corruption is so simple to see, it’s frightening to know that many don’t care. A Presidential candidate working with another country to...

Commercial II: Facebook Does Their Own BP Impression

Another commercial I’ve been seeing is Facebook’s version of “we’re sorry” that BP ran after killing the Gulf Coast, but for Facebook...

Commercial I: Trump Doesn't like Veterans

While watching tv I have seen the T-Mobile commercial with the major league baseball player Bryce Harper a number of times where they say...

Tucker Carlson Isn't Insane, He's Just Racist

White Supremacists removed their KKK robes, and put on a suite and tie. One to do this was Tucker Carlson. On his June 5th show, he...

Gilded Age Quick Revisit, Part II: J.P. Morgan

J.P. Morgan got away with not fighting in the civil war like many in his wealth class by paying the $300 for someone else to take their...

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