King Coal vs His People
Coal mining executive Bob Murray is still a defender of Trump, even though Trump has fulfilled his goals. “I do not believe that they...
Coal mining executive Bob Murray is still a defender of Trump, even though Trump has fulfilled his goals. “I do not believe that they...
After flying home from his incoherent-treasonous summit with Vladimir Putin, Trump went to be interviewed by the Trump-State television...
While on the Fox News show The Five "I don't think Russia is our close friend or anything like that," would prove to be the last sane...
Donald Trump is Benedict Arnold, and Alex Jones is Jospeh Goebbels. His job is to be a propagandist. After the murder of Heather Heyer at...
When Alex Jones and other right-wingers talks about “Globalists," their go-to’s are Henry Kissinger and George Soros. Alex Jones and...
Benedict Arnold was a general during the Revolutionary War. His fame came in the Revolutionary War from his act of treason and betrayal...
In 2004, Congress passed the Tax Cut Jobs Act. Republican Senator of Nevada John Ensign said it would “strengthen the financial stability...
If I was at a gathering of people, and someone I was talking to described themselves as a “classic liberal.” My first thought would be,...
As I discussed a little in Episode 2 of the podcast, the right going at Peter Strzok is the true witch hunt. Trump tweeted recently “How...
People made a big deal about the boisterous rhetoric from Donald Trump at the NATO meetings yesterday. He’s trying to break up the...
I just got done, I mean, I just got fucking done writing another blog about the treatment of migrants, and the fucking hell the Trump...
Monday, July 9, BuzzFeed published an article that pregnant women in detention have had miscarriages, and were being denied the care they...
Corruption is so simple to see, it’s frightening to know that many don’t care. A Presidential candidate working with another country to...
Another commercial I’ve been seeing is Facebook’s version of “we’re sorry” that BP ran after killing the Gulf Coast, but for Facebook...
While watching tv I have seen the T-Mobile commercial with the major league baseball player Bryce Harper a number of times where they say...
Conservatives believe in limited government, state rights, and to quote Dave Rubin, “blah-blah-blah.” Those ideas don’t bother me, and I...
White Supremacists removed their KKK robes, and put on a suite and tie. One to do this was Tucker Carlson. On his June 5th show, he...
"I think welfare has played a huge role... I know that I am speaking just for my own area, but these men are not taking responsibility...
With Justice Kennedy retiring, and the possibilities of Donald Trump getting to assign another Judge to the Supreme Court. With this...
J.P. Morgan got away with not fighting in the civil war like many in his wealth class by paying the $300 for someone else to take their...