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Trump Is Dumb, And So Too His Supporters

Donald Trump really is a dumb person. It's why he'll tweet shit like this: His tweet caused someone to respond, asking, "Is that the...

Donald Actually Tweeted This

As the number of allies for Donald Trump decline, and his White House chief of staff undermines the purpose of his government shutdown....

Conservatives Have No Memory

The GOP Chairwoman tweeted: It's pretty remarkable that the GOP thinks that their voters are such fools that they forget that Trump said,...

Charlie Kirk Is A Dumbshit

Charlie Kirk is such a fucking dumb-shit, and it's why you'll get tweets from him like this: Only dumb fucking people like Charlie Kirk...

Trump Pours Salt On The Wound Of Federal Employees

Donald Trump is not only using Federal employees lives as a pawn in his political agenda during his government shutdown, but he even had...

This Is Family Values?

Kentucky being a Republican state means that they are a state that is suppose to represent "family values." "Merry Christmas, happy New...

Pro-Lifer's Are Hypocrites Updates

During one of his bits, comedian George Carlin stated that the pro-life movement, is in fact, anti-woman. In a past blog, I have...

Donald Trump Really Is A Stupid Person

The Chairman of North Carolina's Democratic Party, Wayne Goodwin, tweeted about our president, and what kind of president America needs:...

Stop Using People's Lives As A Pawn For Your Dumb Wall

Yesterday Donald Trump tweeted falsely that Democrats working for the Federal government are not getting paid while he has the government...

Just Shut The Fuck Up And End The Government Shutdown

The first two years of Donald Trump's presidency has been a disaster if you care about anything good in this world. Economics, the...

Hiring Only The Best People Update

With the long list of corrupt cabinet members in the Trump administration, Trump does not surround himself with "the best and most...

Israeli-Palestine Update

I am not here to tell you to for, or against Israel. My only point when discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is to remind people...

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