I have written blogs today worried about Donald Trump calling for an state of emergency, and the powers that a president could gain if he were to do so.
In his address, he did not call for a state of emergency, and aside from the propaganda lies, it was a rather lame address. And thank God for that!
It was reported that White House aide Stephen Miller wrote Trump's speech tonight, and that it wasn't going to "coherent."
This tweet summed up his address:
It wasn't coherent, mainly because it was filled with a lot of bullshit.
Once again, Donald Trump said that a wall would stop drugs from getting into the country. An argument that is too pathetic for a child at this point. It's an argument that not even the DEA supports.
MSNBC reporter Jacob Soboroff pointed out after Donald Trump's address, that his Secretary of Homeland Security doesn't know what the DEA has concluded:
It's not just liberal media that is fact-checking Donald Trump's claim of a wall prevents drugs getting into America:
You had Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) asked Trump to end this government shutdown so that federal workers can get back to being able to pay their bills and provide for their families:
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders educated Donald Trump what actual crisis' look like:
Contributing op-ed writer for the New York Times, Wajahat Ali, eviscerated Trump's "bullshit":
Donald Trump had falsely claimed that immigrants are bad for the economy, and cost taxpayer money.
Along lies about the terror threat of immigration, Ali points out that illegal immigration rates are going down:
From the moment Trump said this, we knew Mexico paying for the wall was going to be bullshit:
Ali points out that crime by both documented and undocumented immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than native born citizens:
This xenophobic fear that undocumented immigrants are a threat to your community:
The Department of Justice admitted to errors on their connections to terrorism with immigration:
Ali pretty much sums up what Trump's address was: