Being the name sake of a piece of shit, it is no shock that he would also be the same on Twitter.
Don Jr. is bad at timing just like his dad. Your dad called himself a nationalist a few days ago. A nationalist is was what, you know, nazi's called themselves.
If you don't want the media to talk bad about your dad, maybe he shouldn't have been antagonistic with them from the beginning of his run for the presidency, or I don't know, call them the enemy of the people?
Joe Donnelly is a radical? Really? Well, your dad did say that all Mexicans are rapists and murderers, so exaggerating/lying is what you guys do.
People can call them out for hypocrisy, but not when your dad said he grabs women by the pussy, and you can't either when you post on Instagram this about a women who came out accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her:
A classic Trump move to show cognitive dissonance by talking about people committing fraud. Fraud, you know, what the Trump Organization knows well.
Illegal gifts, like your dad using his position as President to get trademarks for your sister?
I hope your dad quits, or your family goes to jail. Either way, I want your dumb-racist family out of my life....