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A QAnon Conspiracy Supporting Nutcase Goes to Washington, Simple Facts Show "Q" is Total Horseshit

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

On Thursday, Donald Trump hosted a man in the White House who is a promoter of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Lionel Lebron posted a number of tweets from his time at the White House.

Including, one with his wife, the president, and himself:

“There are simply no words to explicate the profound and ineffable honor of meeting @realDonaldTrump in the tabernacle of liberty, the Oval Office. @LynnShawProd and I so appreciate @POTUS’ kindness and courtesy. #MAGA.”

I often say that Trump is a moron, and I’m not going to step down from the position. To go on television like he did this last week, and say the things that he did, one could only describe this person as a moron. If not a moron, it shows how sociopathic and narcissistic he is, at the very least. He thinks that he’s better than everyone, which is why he thinks he can on a corporate television news outlet, and say that you have “great respect,” for a man who has been found guilty of being a money launderer, tax fraud, and more.

In a week when he told the world that he thinks “flipping,” otherwise known as cooperating with law enforcement, should be “almost ought to be illegal.” Having a QAnon true believer visit the White House is a good move for Trump, because if you believe the QAnon conspiracy, you have to be a Trump fan. The QAnon conspiracy is that someone from within the government that goes by “Q,” online, and claims what is actually going on in our government.

The conspiracy theory is that Mueller is actually working with Jeff Sessions, and Donald Trump, and that they are bringing down a global pedophile ring run by the Democrats. This tactic of having a QAnon promoter will work on the “Q” believers, because facts are not what they want.

Never mind the fact that they haven’t been provided any evidence that this pedophile ring exists. Never mind the fact that this last week, Trump saw two of his guys found guilty, and an other pleading guilty. Both should be enough to make you question the theory, even though it’s kind of terrifying that so many could believe such a story to be begin with. A “Q” believer should stop believing this dumb theory, is that the President himself has shown that he’s not working with Mueller. Furthermore, Jeff Sessions time as Attorney General for the Justice Department.

Here’s what Trump tweeted on August, 25:

Jeff Sessions said he wouldn’t allow politics to influence him only because he doesn’t understand what is happening underneath his command position. Highly conflicted Bob Mueller and his gang of 17 Angry Dems are having a field day as real corruption goes untouched. No Collusion! 5:36 AM

He then tweeted, quoting Lindsey Graham say something he knows not to be true, or at least should:

.@LindseyGrahamSC “Every President deserves an Attorney General they have confidence in. I believe every President has a right to their Cabinet, these are not lifetime appointments. You serve at the pleasure of the President.” 5:46 AM

A president can fire an Attorney General, but not because the Attorney General won't break the aw. Let me say that again another way. The president of the United States is mad that the Attorney General won't break the law. Instead of serving the United States people, and upholding the Constitution. Serve the President in ending an investigation that's investigating himself.

After finishing taking a shit, and wiping his ass. Trump sent out a third tweet:

Big story out that the FBI ignored tens of thousands of Crooked Hillary Emails, many of which are REALLY BAD. Also gave false election info. I feel sure that we will soon be getting to the bottom of all of this corruption. At some point I may have to get involved! 6:05 AM

These string of tweets show that he’s not secretly working with Mueller, and Jeff Sessions. It shows that Lindsey Graham and Donald Trump are like the rest of the Republican party, in not upholding their duties to serve the people, and to uphold the United States Constitution. The “Q” believers have that authoritarian trance placed upon them, and Donald Trump is their man.

I understood how dumb and gullible that I am, because for a short time, I'd watch InfoWars. But once you listen to Alex Jones for a week, and you see what's happening, you realize he's full of shit. Jones is not stupid, or simply wrong. He's genuinely dishonest, and I know this, because he said that Democrats would start a civil war on the fourth of July. It was not only insane when he said it, but after the fourth came and went, his supporters kept marching forward in the wrong direction. 

The QAnon theory should be done. That people believed it to begin should be shame enough, but they honestly may be too dumb to even understand what shame is. All they have to do is read what the president fucking tweeted. Throughout history, humans have believed in absurd ideologies. The people who listen to Alex Jones, Lionel Lebron, and/or believe the QAnon conspiracy, are the same. 



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