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Ann Coulter Thinks Threats of Your Daughter Being Raped is "Hilarious"

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

The Right continues to prove that it’s actually the radical side of our political landscape. After all, ignoring the warnings from scientists of humanities future prospects to pollute with no qualms, nor restraint. How does one be more radical than not giving a damn for the fate of future generations in the name of profits for today?

In his book ‘Wages of Rebellion,’ Chris Hedges writes of the disintegration that our future may hold if we continue down this path, and it will be different than the past:

Civilizations have followed a familiar pattern of disintegration from Sumer to Easter Island. The difference this time is that there will be no new lands to conquer, no new people to subjugate, and no new resources to plunder. When the unraveling begins, it will be global. At first, parts of the globe will be safer and more amenable to life. But any sanctuary will be temporary. Pg.-28…

Some on the Right like to talk about Democrats and the left as being radicals. Radicals because they see that the structure of our economic system is inherently unjust, destroys the environment, and has no other purpose than growth in the name of profits. I would argue it’s radical, or rather insane, to remain a capitalist. An economic system based on constant growth on a finite planet, why should it be regarded as nothing other than insanity to maintain that constant growth on a finite planet is the only way things should be? Furthermore, the Democratic party is what the Republican party use to be, and the Right has gone insane.

The Democratic National Committee passed a resolution, where they said that they will accept donations from the fossil fuel industry. The resolution says that it “reaffirms its unwavering and unconditional commitment to the workers, unions and forward-looking employers that power the American economy.” In other words, we’ll take money from fossil fuel companies at that risk of destroying human survival in generations soon to be here. Furthermore, as the Huffington-Post points out, “The resolution, proposed as historic wildfires are scorching California, makes no mention of climate change.” The Democratic party isn’t radical, because it’s following left wing politics. The Democratic party is radical for continuing what environmentalist Derrick Jensen would say is “this culture’s death urge.”

It doesn’t matter to the Right, or to the Democratic party that the dead zones in the ocean are doubling every ten years, because who needs the ocean? It’s not like humans eat food from the ocean, it’s not like the ocean has a symbiotic relationship with everything else in nature. We don’t need the ocean, just like we don’t need Orangutan’s, like we don’t need Wolves and Tigers, and it's not like we don’t need honey bee’s.

Having said all that, I want to talk about how the Right is the radicals in the worst of terms. Radicalism doesn’t bother me, if it’s in the cause for good. For example, before the Spanish Civil War, the Anarchists of Catalonia, I’m down for that, and most would be. The radicalism of the Right in America, is that of authoritarianism.

In ‘Wages of Rebellion’ Chris Hedges talks to American philosopher and social critic, Cornell West about Obama, and what Obama actually represented:

“He is a shell of a man,” West said of Obama. “There is no deep conviction. There is no connection to something bigger than him. It is a sad spectacle, sad if he were not the head of an empire that is in such decline and so dangerous. This is a nadir. William Trotter and Du Bois, along with Ida B. Wells-Barnett, were going at Booker T tooth and nail. Look at the fights between (Marcus) Garvey and Du Bois, or Garvey and A. Philip Randolph. But now if you criticize Obama the way Randolph criticized Garvey, you become a race traitor and an Uncle Tom. A lot of that comes out of the Obama machine, the Obama plantation. Pg.-115

It’s sad that people can’t see through Obama’s rhetoric, and communication-human interactions, which are far superior to Trump’s, which is why I can trick myself into thinking Obama was a President that was better than he was. As a white man, I’d never call Cornell West a race traitor or an Uncle Tom, especially because I am white, but also that I’m a West supporter, and I agree with him on Obama. Having said that, although Cornell West being called those derogatory names is not good, it’s not even close to what Rick Wilson has to go through. Not because being white (Rick Wilson) in America is as bad or worse than being black, which Cornell West is. It’s just that Rick Wilson has to deal with a far more insane crowd, than the political spectrum that Cornell West has to deal with.

Who is Rick Wilson? He’s a Republican strategist and a “Never Trumper,” who has written the book ‘Everything Trump Touches Dies,’ and who has never wavered, never bended the knee, as say a Mark Levine did. Unlike a Mark Levine, Rick Wilson has been willing to stand up to those who claim themselves to be conservatives, but are really just authoritarian autobot’s for Donald Trump. I want to make clear that I don’t agree with Rick Wilson’s politics, but I’ll give him credit that he’s been willing to stand up for what he beliefs. But why does Rick Wilson have to go through worse than Cornell West?

From the left, or the African American community, Cornell West is called an Uncle Tom. For Rick Wilson, he gets death threats, and other awful things. In an interview with the ‘Observer,’ Wilson says:

When I live in cities other than New York and Washington, I have a concealed carry permit. I carry for a reason. It’s not a trivial macho posture thing. I carry because I’ve had people approach me in public and threaten to kill me.

According to Wilson, Steve Bannon minions at Breitbart have caused a rise in death threats, in order “to make an example of people who opposed Trump.” People have ridiculously said things to Cornell West, but the Right is saying worse to Rick Wilson. They’re coming up to him and threatening his life to his face. This isn’t about race, but white people do suck. Like, Ann Coulter.

On CNN, Rick Wilson said that around 25% of Republicans were “low information voters.” This got Breitbart and other assholes upset, but in Wilson’s defense, he was being very generous. I’d say that at least 75% of Republican voters are “low information,” while the other 25% vote on self interest. Having said all that, a reader of Breitbart apparently emailed Wilson about raping his daughter.

For Ann Coulter, she found this “hilarious,” and Tweeted:


Someone being threatened that their daughter will be raped, is so hilarious, and the left is so radical! The reality is that the Right isn’t radical, the Right is authoritarian… Ann, you aren’t a racist, you’re just an outright monster!!!

On Twitter Wilson replied:

@AnnCoulter Does Trump pay you more for anal?

He later apologized, should he have? Ann Coulter is a demon...



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