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As Experts Warn of Feedback Loops, Agents of the Fossil Fuel Industry Want the Loops Feeding Them

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

Authors of an essay published in ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,’ have said that the Paris climate deal of keeping the earth’s warming of two degrees celsius above pre-industrial, may not be enough. They warn that a “hothouse” climate situation could “flood deltaic environments, increase the risk of damage from coastal storms, eliminate coral reefs, by the end of this century or earlier.” “I hope I’m wrong,” said Johan Rockstrom, executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Rockstrom and his co-authors are leading experts on positive feedback loops. Feedback loops is when the warming of the climates temperature means it releases more greenhouse gases, or prevents the earth’s ability to absorb or reflect heat.

We need to get our shit together stat! Robert Murray, CEO of Murray Energy, see’s things a differently. For him, when you find coal in your Christmas stocking, that means you’ve been a good boy. A supporter of Donald Trump, Charles Murray has been funding the opposition to an offshore wind farm project in Lake Erie, and until the developers of the wind farm, Lake Erie Energy Development Corp. (LEEDCo), pointed out Murray was funding the opposition, residents against the wind farms had no idea they were getting help from Murray. According to ThinkProgress, “Murray Energy has previously lobbied for bills introduced in the state legislature to roll back laws that favor renewable energy.” Bob Murray has railed against government interference into energy markets, and he wants to end tax credits for the wind energy. I’m sure he’s more than willing to give up his tax credits.

In other news, the head of the EPA, and former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Wheeler is overseeing the Trump administration’s desire to rollback fuel efficiency and standards, and is trying to make it so California would not be able to set it’s own fuel standards. It would damage the administrations ability to implement the rollback of fuel standards if California was allowed to set their own, because car companies need to be able to sell their product in California. But conservatives are for state rights, right? Wrong. Not when it gets in the way of greed, though in the hearing, Wheeler used more chummy rhetoric: “My goal in this administration is to come up with a 50-state solution. We want to have a 50-state solution that does not necessitate preempting California.”

In other words, we need a policy that fucks over Californians (never mind everyone else), before we have to fuck over Californians. Either way Californians, you’re going to be fucked with. Though, I’m sure Californian rednecks are excited to drive trucks that get nine miles per gallon. Conservatives only use state rights when it benefits money, slavery being one example. When state rights goes about what’s best for society as a whole, and not a handful of oligarchs, conservatives come in to kill state rights. This is just another example of their fake rhetoric.



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