Charlie Kirk is truly one dumb specimen of a human being.
It's why he tries to lecture the left whenever any racism is found by a Democratic politician, even though, he's a supporter of Donald Trump.
It's also why he thinks that pointing out the legacy of the KKK and racism being that of the Democratic Party as a revelation when this has already been well-known and documented by historians. He also conveniently, or might be too stupid to know that racists switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party after Lyndon Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act.
The moron is at it again, with this tweet:
First, I can't take his IRS targeting seriously because he is the man who believes "taxation is theft," so anything done by the IRS is in fact targeting.
"Cash to Iran," is something morons like Kirk like to ignore the facts. That money was seized from Iran after the Islamic Revolution. Iran got that money back in return for Iran ending their nuclear weapon capabilities. A deal that Donald Trump got the United States out of in order to make the world a more dangerous place.
All of these are conspiracy theories, but one I will Charlie is Fast and Furious, which was an incredibly insane and dumb idea by the Obama administration, but Trump has one of those to his name.
When Donald Trump became president, he wanted to show America just how tough he is, so he had the United States conduct a raid in Yemen, a raid that Obama warned Trump not do because of the risks it poses. The raid was the disaster that it was, and Navy Seal William “Ryan” Owens was killed.
The conspiracy theory mindset combined with the inability to understand simple facts is what allows Charlie Kirk to thrive in the conservative movement, for he is a perfect representation of it.
While Charlie does his conservative-persecution-complex spiel, he forgets what has happened with past president's whether it's them getting in trouble, or what they were able to get away with.
I'm bored of Charlie Kirk's stupidity because you can only do so many blogs about this moron, so here is a quick timeline of president's getting away things.
Lyndon Johnson: Lied the U.S. into the Vietnam War.
George W. Bush lied the U.S. into the Iraq War.
Richard Nixon: Watergate
Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush: Got away with the Iran Contra scandal.
Bill Clinton: Impeached for lying about a blow job.
Just shut the fuck up Charlie, you're too fucking stupid to talk about politics...