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Chuck Grassely: A Millionaire Looking For Handouts

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

Screenshot: USA Today via YouTube

I'm a socialist. Not because people deserve "handouts," but that our nation's wealth should be spread out more equitably. That is not what is happening in America right now.

According to, "America has not just returned to Gilded Age levels of wealth concentration: It has very clearly surpassed them. We now live in a country more gilded than it's ever been."

The "five wealthiest American households are sitting on a total of $470 billion-nearly 40 percent more than Rockefeller's 2018 wealth equivalent of $340 billion." In 1918, John D. Rockefeller was the only American household in the top .000004 percent of American households.

Not only are we an gilded age more than the first gilded age, but we have a political party that wants to destroy social programs for the working class.

In 2015, Sen. Orrin Hatch authored a Constitutional amendment bill that failed, because his bill would mandate a "balanced budget" that would mean overturning the Social Security law.

As Noam Chomsky has mentioned a thousand times, social security is solidarity put into law (what horrific of an idea, laws that enable solidarity). To paraphrase Noam: we have social security so that the widow across town can have a roof over her head, and food to eat.

What is the GOP going to replace social security with? Nothing. Good luck widow, you're on your fucking own. Actually, this will cause elderly family members to be more dependent on other family members, and this will increase economic anxiety for those family members who will have to pay for nursing homes, etc.

But the main reason the GOP wants to end social security, noted by TruthOut:

Social Security funds will be stolen to cover continuing tax cuts to corporations and the rich, meeting debt shortfalls, enriching favored departments and programs — and corruption.

Not only does the GOP want to end socially security to repay the national debt thanks to their stupid tax policies, but they want tax payer money themselves.

The Trump administration is going to give farmers $12 billion dollars in aide. Not because they are struggling, but because of his fucking trade war with China.

It's not just ordinary farmers trying to get some of that $12 billion, but also millionaire Sen. Chuck Grassley. As the HuffPost points out, Grassley had issued a statement stating that the Trump administration should help farmers who will be impacted by Chinese tariffs, and now he wants some of that pie himself.

Chuck Grassley has received $387,080 between 1995, through 2016.

Instead of being a millionaire being doing something patriotic and taking an economic hit for the greater good of America. Sen. Chuck Grassley will instead take money from your pocket, and put it in his.

In this culture, Americans get more mad that your money goes from them to a poor person. But when it happens with the rich, it doesn't seem to get the same reaction? I have heard conservatives bitch about "handouts," but it's always about the poor.

In America, we already have socialism, but it's for the rich. Instead of a socialism that has it's working force unionized, it's women and children not going to bed or to school hungry, and it's people not living on the streets. We have a socialist system that benefits people like Sen. Chuck Grassley.

While Bernie Sanders praises Jeff Bezos for raising the minimum wage to $15 dollars an hour, the World Socialist Website writes:

Amazon bought the smiles of Sanders and the praise of the entire political establishment on the cheap. The raise will cost him a paltry $1–2 billion in the short-term, roughly equal to what he brings home each week. Workers outside the US and UK will not receive pay increases. Bloomberg Business said the cost represents 0.001 percent of Amazon’s market capitalization.

Most of cost of the raise is paid for by the estimated $789 million Amazon received as a result of this year’s tax cuts. Amazon paid $0 in taxes in 2017.

Don't be afraid to call yourself a socialist publicly. We already have socialism. It needs to be one that is for all Americans.



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