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Don't forget, Mike Pence is the face of Christian Fascism

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

In the last blog that Honest Nonsense wrote, I (@walter_skuzeski) said, "Trump supporters, shut the fuck up about everything!"

The Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is a racist, but Trump supporters don't have any moral high ground to stand on.

I wrote: "Donald Trump was the face of the birther movement, said Mexicans were rapists and murderers, and defended Neo-Nazi's. Nevertheless, Trump supporters still have the audacity to try and lecture people about moralities."

But there is another reason as to why Trump supporters should shut the fuck, or rather, another person: Trump's Vice President Mike Pence.

Mike Pence is a nothing short of a bigot when it comes to his thoughts towards the LGBT community.

Pence's anti-LGBT feelings per Time:

- He said gay couples signaled "societal collapse" for American society

- He opposed a law that would prohibit discrimination against the LGBT community in the workplace

- He opposed the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell

- He rejected the Obama administration directive on transgender bathrooms

Furthermore, while he was the governor of Indiana, he signed off on an anti-LGBT law called the, "Religious Freedom Restoration Act," which was condemned by not only the gay community, but Indiana's business community, because it would allow employers to discriminate against anyone in the LGBT community.

So it comes as no surprise to learn that Mike Pence's wife would be a teacher at a school with rules that denies LGBT students from attending.

The HuffPost reported that the "parent agreement" written by the school "asks parents to cooperate in its 'biblical morality' policy."

Here is rule six of the "parent agreement" (Underlined emphasis mine:

I understand the biblical role of Immanuel Christian School is to partner with families to encourage students to be imitators of Christ. This necessarily involves the school’s understanding and belief regarding biblical morality and standards of conduct. I understand that the school reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission to an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student if the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home, the activities of a parent or guardian, or the activities of the student are counter to, or are in opposition to, the biblical lifestyle the school teaches. This includes, but is not limited to contumacious behavior, divisive conduct, and participating in, supporting, or condoning sexual immorality, homosexual activity or bi-sexual activity, promoting such practices, or being unable to support the moral principles of the school. (Lev. 20:13 and Romans 1:27.) I acknowledge the importance of a family culture based on biblical principles and embrace biblical family values such as a healthy marriage between one man and one woman. My role as spiritual mentor to my children will be taken seriously.

Understandably, this made some headlines and pissed people off, but for some reason this pissed the Second Lady off too.

"After being rightfully criticized for taking a teaching job at a school that discriminates against LGBTQ children and teachers," writes Samantha Grasso for Splinter, "Second Lady Karen Pence took a page from Steve King’s defensive playbook, essentially saying, since when is believing in a right-wing Christian theology that gay people are immoral and shall burn in hell for all eternity offensive?"

In a statement, a spokesperson told CNN's Jake Tapper: "It's absurd that her decision to teach art to children at a Christian school, and the school's religious beliefs, are under attack."

Samantha Grasso on this pathetic statement:

Listen, no one is upset that Pence is teaching art to children. It’s not even that Christianity as a whole is under attack (it’s not). It’s that the Immanuel Christian School in Virginia explicitly bars students from enrolling who participate in or condone “homosexual activity” or challenge gender roles in any way, and whatever art students are allowed to make there probably features scenes of Sodom and Gomorrah burning to the ground and women turning into salt pillars, or something.

What the Governor of Virginia did is appalling, and he should resign. Having said that, Donald Trump being elected president was a victory for Christian fascists, and Mike Pence may be nothing more than a figure head as Vice President, but he's a figure head for the Christian right's take over of our countries institutions.

"Donald Trump's ideological vacuum, the more he is isolated and attacked, is being filled by the Christian right," wrote journalist Chris Hedges. "This Christianized fascism, with its network of megachurches, schools, universities and law schools and its vast radio and television empire, is a potent ally for a beleaguered White House."

In his article, Trump and the Christian Fascists, Chris Hedges warns of a bleak future that America could see if the Christian right continues to gain political power:

The Christian right has been organizing and preparing to take power for decades. If the nation suffers another economic collapse, which is probably inevitable, another catastrophic domestic terrorist attack or a new war, President Trump's ability to force the Christian right's agenda on the public and shut down dissent will be dramatically enhanced. In the presidential election, Trump had 81 percent of white evangelicals behind him.

Don't get me wrong, the time spent on the Virginian Governor has been worth every moment, and for two reasons.

One, it's insane that anyone in 1984 or 2019, would actually have the audacity to be in black face.

Two, this highlights a worry within the black community about the treatment they receive from the medical community. Black women are 243% times more likely to die from their pregnancies or childbirth, so this story has people thinking and discussing this justified fear from the black community about the medical community.

Governor Northam should resign, and people who have been clamoring for it should continue doing so. Having said that, we need to be doing this too about the Vice President. Not only has he made homophobic remarks, he has promoted and implemented homophobic laws. Not to mention, he's also the face of the Christian right's fascist movement which is increasingly gaining more political power....

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