This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. You have replaced advise and consent with search and destroy. This whole two week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit. Fear that has been unfairly stoked on my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons...this is a circus. The consequences will extend long past my nomination...I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. You have tried hard, you’ve given it your all, no one can question your effort. But your coordinated effort to destroy my good name and family will not win out.
That was what Judge Brett Kavanugh opening statement of his testimony on Thursday, over the accusation brought by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. She has accused him of sexually assaulting her in high school.
Kavanaugh showed his partisan-conspiracy colors when he accused that Democrats were acting out on behalf of the Clinton's, without providing any evidence.
According to the Huffington Post, Kavanaugh wanted "to ask Bill Clinton explicit questions," and he also urged Ken Starr "to expand the Whitewater investigation to include looking at the death of White House staffer Vince Foster."

Noticing his partisan-conspiracy theorist mindset weren't the only thing people noticed, but his rage too.
But it wasn't just the average American who noticed it. It was especially those who have been sexually assaulted who understood what his rage meant. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network estimates that their National Sexual Assault Hotline, had a 147% increase of calls to the hotline during Kavanaugh's testimony.

In these dark times, he still has a lot on the right. Especially, Lindsey Graham and Donald Trump.
Trump has allowed the FBI to investigation into the sexual assault accusation, tweeting an nonpartisan statement:

Others Twitter decided to voice their opinion too:
