It doesn't matter that the U.N. has warned that we have twelve years to get our shit together.
It doesn't matter that you could just use your eyes and look around:
"This is one of the most important reports every produced by the IPCC, and certainly one of the most needed," said Hoesung Lee, the chair of the body at a press conference in South Korea. "Climate change is already affecting people, livelihood and ecosystems all around the world."
None of that matters to our President who is thoroughly a piece of shit, and whom is proud to be ignorant.
Trump said the report, "was given to me. And I want to look at who drew it. You know, which group drew it."
It's the U.N. who did the report, so they can't know what they're talking about. It doesn't even matter if the U.N. did know what it was talking about, because no one is smarter than Donald Trump.
Plus, Donald Trump knows his shit. It's why he opposed Scotland putting up wind farms, because they would ruin the view of golf course.
A good example of Donald Trump's thought process: I don't care what scientists say, I only care about the environment when it impacts me, juxtaposed to my views that will negatively impact the environment for everyone.
Climate change is fucking real, and it's happening. I'm going to try to appeal to Trump voters through the worse prism possible: the impact of climate change on the military. People should care about climate change for better reasons, but it's where we are in this point of time.
According to a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists, the military has 18 installations located in area that are susceptible to flooding in the United States alone.
In his book America: The Farewell Tour, Chris Hedges writes of the impact that climate change will have on military installations throughout the world:
Three key military facilities in Florida were evacuated in September 2017 because of Hurricane Irma-the Miami-are headquarters of the U.S. Southern Command, which oversees military operations in the Caribbean and Latin America; the U.S. Central Command in Tampa, in charge of overseas operations in the Middle East and Southwest Asia; and the Naval Air Station in Key West. There will soon come a day when obliteration of infrastructure will prohibit military operations from returning.
"The Pentagon manages a global real estate portfolio that includes over 555,000 facilities and 28 million acres of land-virtually all of it will be impacted by climate change in some way," wrote Jeff Goodell in his book, The Water Will Come: Rising Seas, Sinking Cities and the Remaking of the Civilized World.
James Woolsey, the former head of the CIA, in a report for the pentagon titled The Age of Consequences: The Foreign-Policy National Security Implications of Global Climate Change (underlined emphasis mine):
If Americans have difficulty reaching a reasonable compromise on immigration legislation today, consider what such a debate would be like if we were struggling to resettle millions of our own citizens — driven by high water from the Gulf of Mexico, South Florida, and much of the East Coast reaching nearly to New England — even as we witnessed the northward migration of large populations from Latin America and the Caribbean. Such migration will likely be one of the Western Hemisphere’s early social consequences of climate change and sea level rise of these orders of magnitude. Issues deriving from inundation of a large amount of our own territory, together with migration toward our borders by millions of our hungry and thirsty southern neighbors, are likely to dominate U.S. security and humanitarian concerns. Globally as well, populations will migrate from increasingly hot and dry climates to more temperate ones.
The decision to ignore studies and facts is going to translate into a catastrophic future that Trump and fellow climate change deniers are cavalier in their willingness to ignore warnings from scientists, journalists, and even the military apparatus itself.
The lack of empathy and care for the world that's to be left behind by Trump is awesome. Climate change will impact Trump's family, and yet, he still does not care.
Jeff Goodell on what Barron gets to look forward to:
The amount of real estate at risk in New York is mind-boggling:
72,000 buildings worth over over $129 billion stand in flood zones today, with thousands more buildings at risk with each foot of sea-level rise.
In addition, New York has a lot of industrial waterfront, where toxic materials and poor communities live in close proximity, as well as a huge amount of underground infrastructure-subways, tunnels, electrical systems. Finally, New York is a sea-level-rise hot spot. Because of changes in ocean dynamics, as well as the fact that the ground beneath the city is sinking as the continent recovers from the last ice age, seas are now rising about 50 percent faster in the New York area than the global average.
We're fucked, our president doesn't give a shit, but he isn't alone...