This last week of news shows us just how Donald Trump and the Republican Party is a party that is against Democracy, and the institutions that uphold democratic principles.
Georgia's Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, has spent eight years in that position to purge African American voters from having their right to vote. As RightWingWatch points out,
Kemp was able to do this thanks to a conservative-majority Supreme Court voting in a way that allows Republicans to gut provisions in the Civil Rights Voting Act.
What makes Kemp's actions even more disturbing is that the piece of shit is running for Governor. He will not step down as Secretary of State, because he needs to purge African American and other minority votes to win. The reason for is because why they fuck would they vote for this guy?
It's not just the state of Georgia that is purging its citizens from being able to participate in Democracy. Voter suppression is an epidemic in this increasingly shithole of a place.
Republican run states won't care about giving people for living somewhere affected by hurricanes, floods, or other natural disasters more time to vote.
The state of Florida is going to punish voters affected by Hurricane Michael. Republicans need to pull off dirty tricks like this, because people like Ron DeSantis are running for Governor.
Donald Trump tweeted his support for congressmen Keith Rothfus of Pennsylvania:
Trump doesn't have to worry about supporters looking into the fact that it wasn't Democrats, but rather the state's Supreme Court who had ruled that the GOP was violating the state's constitution.
Trump voters would take those facts and turn it into the conspiracy theory-fuck hole they have made of reality, and say that the state's Supreme Court is filled with liberal activist judges.
It's not just southern or eastern states that are active in voter suppression. North Dakota, with the help from the Supreme Court, is purging Native American voters by saying they need ID's that must have their street address on it.
This injustice via by The Hill:
“Native Americans can live on the reservation without an address. They’ve lived in accordance with the law and treaties, but now all of a sudden they can’t vote. There is no good reason that a P.O. box is not sufficient to vote,” Standing Rock Chairman Mike Faith said in a press release.
“Why is it getting harder and harder for Native Americans to vote? This law clearly discriminates against Native Americans in North Dakota. Our voices should be heard and they should be heard fairly at the polls just like all other Americans,” he added.
This bullshit is allowed thanks to the Supreme Court. It's quite interesting that ordinary citizens lose democratic rights when the Supreme Court is a conservative majority.
Voting rights aren't the only way Native American's are being fucked with in our times.
Per this tweet:
It should be noted that Donald Trump has invested into the company that owns the Dakota Access Pipeline, and its CEO donated to Trump's presidential campaign.
Trump and his administration have complete contempt for democratic values comes in the way to try and infringe on American's 1st Amendment rights.
This attempt to infringe on our 1st Amendment rights via Salon:
According to a proposal introduced by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, the Trump administration is looking to restrict access to a 80 percent of the sidewalks surrounding the White House and on the National Mall. The proposed rule changes also suggest charging "event management" costs for protests and putting new restrictions on spontaneous demonstrations.
With an open-end question, I ask this:
What does it say about a president and a party that defends the 2nd Amendment more than the 1st? What does it say about a party that bitches about regulations, but will come up with any excuse possible to enact a regulation on someone's right to vote?
Never mind Trump's disregard for a journalist who appears to have been murdered, even though it's a profession that is inherently needed for democracy to be able to thrive.
I guess money is more important than Liberty?
Trump and his supporters, I ask this sincerely: Why do you have to fucking suck?