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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

Donald Trump Is Too "Busy" To Visit Troops Overseas & Gives Bogus Reasons

Screenshot: The Guardian via YouTube

In an interview with the AP, Donald Trump was asked why he has yet to visit troops overseas during his first two years as president.

"Well, I will do that at some point, but I don't think it's overly necessary, said Trump. Adding that he is "very busy with everything that's taking place here."

If President Obama had said it was not "overly necessary" to see troops overseas, right-wing media would have gone ballistic. Using this an example of why Obama was really a secret radical-Muslim hellbent on ruining America, and Trump would've went to Twitter to say that he would be the greatest military president in the history of the United States.

Trump expanded on his ridiculous excuse as to why it has taken two years to visit those sacrificing their lives for a cause they believe in, saying (emphasis mine):


We have the greatest economy in the history of our country. I mean, this is the greatest economy we’ve ever had, best unemployment numbers. Many groups are, you know, we’ve never even been close to these numbers. I’m doing a lot of things. I’m doing a lot of things. But it’s something I’d do. And do gladly. Nobody has been better at the military. Hey, I just got them a pay raise. I haven’t had a pay raise in 11 years. I just got them a substantial pay raise. ‘They’ meaning our military people. I just got them new equipment. They have stuff that was so old that the grandfathers used to fly it. I have done more for the military than any president in many, many years.


His ability to lie is astounding. Does he think people are so dumb that they don't know what a fucking F-16 Fighter Jet is?

Maybe I'm being to harsh. Maybe Donald Trump is such a goddamn fucking moron.

Does he not know what a fucking drone is?

Trump is such a liar, and so bad at it, that you don't even need words to prove his lies wrong:

We weren't using these until after the Vietnam War.

We've been using these during the War on Terror, though it hasn't resulted in the death of innocent civilians.

Furthermore, his stance that this is the greatest economy the United States has ever had is equally insane.

When asked in an interview about Donald Trump's boastfulness about the economy,

co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Gerald Epstein, replied (emphasis mine):


Trump is a gross exaggerator who loves to construct stories. When it comes to his claims about an economic miracle under way during his administration, I think my friend and colleague John Miller in the economics department at Wheaton College put it best in a September 30 presentation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst: “Compared to the standard of U.S. economic performance since 1948, we have been living through an economic expansion that has been historically long, historically slow, and that has done historically little to improve the lot of most people.”


For a man who says he is too "busy" to visit the troops overseas, he sure has the time to do a lot of golfing, as noted by VoteVets on Twitter:


According to TrumpGolfCount, Trump has cost taxpayers roughly $79 million dollars, golfing 149 times in two years.

Their reasoning for doing this, dates back to a comment Donald Trump made in 2016, when he said, "I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to play golf."

Well he has certainly found the time.

TrumpGolfCount on the numbers:


Days Trump has spent at Mar a Lago:


Cost of flights to Mar a Lago (17 so far):*


Days Trump has spent at Bedminster:


Cost of flights to Bedminster (19 so far):*


Trump has visited his clubs once every this many days since his inauguration:


Projected visits to golf clubs in four years:


Projected visits in eight years:


Total times Obama played golf during his eight year Presidency:



* Cost estimates for Mar a Lago and Bedminster.

One could certainly say I'm being partisan, but I'm just going off the standards Trump stated himself:

According to Trump himself, I think every country club across, oh that's right. He uses taxpayer money to go to his own courses, where he'll have the secret service pay for their golf carts.

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