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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

Donald Trump Supports GOP Hopeful Who Has Shit Thoughts On The Me Too Movement

Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp and GOP hopeful Kevin Cramer held a debate this last week.

Unsurprisingly, Trump is for Kramer:

Donald Trump would support Cramer, he is running as a Republican, and Cramer isn't down with people coming out with their stories of being sexually assaulted.

According to Cramer, the women in his family can't understand that the Me Too movement is a "movement toward victimization."

“They are pioneers of the prairie. These are tough people whose grandparents were tough and great-grandparents were tough,” said Cramer, and as the Huffpost pointed out, Cramer is suggesting that strong women can't be sexually assaulted.

It's not just strong women who can be sexually assaulted. If actor Terry Crews can be sexually assaulted, than pretty much anyone on this planet can be sexually assaulted.

The reality is that Cramer will likely win anyways, but it won't hurt him that the United States Supreme Court is going to allow the state of North Dakota to suppress Lakota Native Americans from voting during the midterms.

But as we already discussed here on Honest Nonsense, Donald Trump is just fine with that, but rather worried about the voter fraud myth...

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