For nearly two years the Republican Party has controlled Congress and the Senate, but instead of acknowledging his inability to get anything done, Trump decides to be a child who blames others for their own mistakes.
Today Trump tweeted:
Yes, Trump, they'll call you after all the times you have publicly blamed them:
You control both Houses, blame Democrats, but expect them to "do something" when it isn't their job to. Especially, since it would piss off their constituency, because you have chosen to have a immigration policies that has any level compromise from your side.
Democrats were willing to build a wall, something not popular to their voters, yet you weren't willing to do the same when it came to giving amnesty to Dreamers. You and your supporters may not like that deal, but guess what? You better get use to worse, and you know that, which is why you spewed the kind of rhetoric you did while holding a rally in Arizona.
It's not just Trump's tweets that makes it stunning that he would expect people on the other side of the aisle to positively react to you.
Think about it in the way Obama talked about race, and the way that Trump did.
At his Arizona rally, Trump said that 4,000 Hondurans would, "break our laws, violate our borders, and overwhelm our nation."
Here's what Obama said when asked about race, and a world, "where race exists but it doesn't matter":
I would phrase it perhaps a little differently. I would love to see an America where race is understood in the same way that the ethnic diversity of the white population is understood. People take pride in being Irish-American and Italian-American. They have a particular culture that infuses the (whole) culture and makes it richer and more interesting. But it's not something that determines people's life chances and there is no sense of superiority or inferiority. I think if we can expand that attitude to embrace African-Americans and Latino-Americans and Asian-Americans, then we will be in a position where all our kids can feel comfortable with the worlds they are coming out of, knowing they are part of something larger.
At his Arizona rally, Trump said Democrats,"would fight to the death" when it came to the wall. Never mind studies by the Customs and Border Protection showing that Trump's wall is bullshit.
Never mind, how awesome it is that Trump said Democrats were fighting to the death. He said that.
Again, our president said Democrats were fighting for their deaths...
Democrats are doing this to prevent a wall from being built. Just one thing (Never mind the fact that accusation is FUCKING INSANE), REPUBLICANS CONTROL BOTH HOUSES OF THE GOVERNMENT & THE WHITE HOUSE!
How about instead of bitching like a child Trump? DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!