The recount of votes is being held in Florida for the governorship, and for the Senate in both Florida and Arizona.
It began last night:
Started back up this morning:
Not if all of the votes have yet to be counted....
Does Trump not know that Kemp is the Secretary of State for Georgia, or is he just an oblivious fucking moron? I truly don't know, because both are entirely possible.
Trumps' mention of Elias, is a conspiracy that those on the right are spreading, due to connections with Elias and the Steele dossier, and the company Fusion GPS. For two years, Trump and those on the right have conveniently forgotten to mention that Fusion GPS was founded by Republicans.
Delegitimizing the process.
Why not talk about winning the 2016 election, bringing up that time that you have been accused of possibly colluding with a foreign government to win:
Thanked a Senator who has yet to show proof that Democrats are behind all of this "corruption":
And why not finish with a deranged rant when you realize that Arizona may go to someone that you want in the Senate:
The GOP has filed a lawsuit against two of Arizona's largest counties for allowing voters help resolve any problems with their mail-in ballots signatures.
In other words, they really don't want democracy to work, and neither does Trump.
As professor, documentarian, and author, Robert Reich pointed out on Twitter about Trumps' tweets, and other actions.
Trump is a demagogue: