Omarosa’s story matters only for the fact that someone like her, could only be working in this White House. Omarosa sits in a long line of incompetent-morons: Kellyanne Conway, Sebastian Gorka, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Scott Pruitt, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Ryan Zinke, and so on and so forth. I wrote a blog about Omarosa’s comments that Trump has “mentally declined.” I didn’t need her to say that to know that he’s mentally declining.
He talked about Fredrick Douglass still being alive, and he incoherently talked to farmers about cutting regulations:
We are streamlining regulations that have blocked cutting edge biotechnology –setting free our farmers to innovate, thrive and grow. We are removing harmful restrictions on forestry so you can log more timber, plant more trees and export more renewable resources to other countries.
Tree’s are not renewable resources. Furthermore, we’re fucking logging. The human race as a whole is logging the fuck out of forests. Their won’t be Orangutan’s in the future. Donald Trump seems to have this thought process that everywhere can look like New York City, and things will be great. We need the rain forests of Latin America, Canada, and Indonesia, so that those tree’s can absorb the greenhouse gases of New York City, and all the fucking flying that Trump does. Secondly, he doesn’t understand the english language at all. I’m no english-literate genius, but he makes me look like genius. “we are streamlining regulations,” he doesn’t fucking know what that word means. Streamlining means you’re making something more efficient, in this context regulations. You’re not streamlining regulations, you’re cutting them.
And let us not forget, when the eclipse was going down, Trump looked up at the fucking sun!!!!
Apparently, according to Politico, before meeting India’s prime minister in 2017, he “mispronounced Nepal as ‘nipple.’” Furthermore, Politico writes that the President of the United States doesn’t understand time zones, “Midafternoon in Washington is the middle of the night in Tokyo-when Abe would be fast asleep.” It’s so comforting to know that we have a president who lacks even the knowledge of time zones. You’d think a genius would understand the difference of time zones between the United States and Japan.
Going back to calling Nepal “Nipples.” According to someone familiar with Trump’s meeting with India’s prime minister, Trump “appeared confused by Nepal and Bhutan, which lie sandwiched between India and China.” Bhutan is a landlocked country between India and China, Trump “thought it was all part of India.” “He was like, ‘What is this stuff in between and these other countries?’” I’m not going to sit here and say I know a lot of things, I know somethings, but I’m not the President of the United States of America.