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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

Trump Thinks He's Done Something To Deserve The Nobel Peace Prize

Screenshot: Twitter

On Saturday, in Indianapolis, Donald Trump spoke to the Future Farmers of America, in which he talked about Dr. Norman Borlaug, a scientist who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for his role in creating a high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat.

Of course, whenever the topic of the Nobel Peace Prize comes up with Trump, he's obviously going to talk about how he deserves the award, for he deserves all the praise that he desires.

To the audience, he said: “They probably will never give it to me, even what I’m doing in Korea and Idlib province and all of these places. They probably will never give it to me. You know why? Because they don’t want to.”

- It's as though Trump thinks the Nobel Peace Prize voters are Democrats.

- What has he done with regards to North Korea, Idlib, or "all of these places?"

Whatever, it doesn't matter. He's just a man-child-narcassist who doesn't know shit about shit.

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