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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

George Soros Conspiracy Theory That He Was SS Officer Is Total Bullshit

George Soros: Twitter

Anti-Semites and other right-wing conspiracy theories like to spread the lie that George Soros was an SS officer:

This photo is not George Soros:

Screenshot: Snopes

Just one thing, he wasn't. As Snopes has noted, Soros was nine years old when WWII started, and 14 when Germany surrendered in 1945. Even if Soros wanted to join the SS, you couldn't join the SS until you were 17, and to join, you would have to have a pure "Aryan" heritage.

I'm for free speech, but when can this total horse shit conspiracy theory be put to bed? Someone tried to put it to be on Twitter, but it didn't work out all that well.

Someone posted the bullshit tweet:

Someone tried doing something about it:

Twitter said this:

So any of you right-wingers want to bitch about being kicked off Twitter, stop promoting lies...

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