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Global Dead Zones, But Don't Worry, I'm Sure Everything Is All Right

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

Dead zones in the ocean are area's where the water has no oxygen for aquatic life to live, hence, dead zones. It turns out that these dead zones double every ten years, but for Republicans and Corporate Democrats think that's a really long-long fucking time. Plus it's the ocean, we don't live there so who gives a shit? The causes of dead zones are "industrial waste, fertilizer runoff from industrial agriculture and anthropogenic climate disruption." When there is not enough oxygen in the ocean, bacteria in the water will produce methane, a gas considered to be a far more potent greenhouse gas than CO2.

With the increase of methane in the atmosphere from ocean dead zones, methane being unleashed in the artic, and corporate production, we need clear headed leaders more now than ever before. But we're in luck. We have Donald Trump. An Obama-era EPA policy stated that oil and gas companies must measure their methane emissions, every 2 to 6 months. For an entity that is systematically destroying the earth, measuring their emissions everyone couple of months, is honestly the fucking least they could do other than choking on a giant dick. Instead, Trump postponed the time to measure, and the oil and gas companies want it to go away all together. Trump is for that kind of shit, he's a Republican, and the Republican party (and some Democrats too) is Starbuck, and the Koch's are Ahab.

The second largest dead zone is in the Gulf of Mexico, due to chemical fertilizer runoff. Before 2017, the dead zone was roughly 6,000 square miles or more. In 2017, the Gulf of Mexico's dead zone is now 8,776 square miles long. With the decrease in instability due to wars in the region, scientists have been able to go back to the Arabian sea, to measure the size of the dead zone. The scientists studying the dead zone have found that it is as large as the state of Florida.

Reality pretty much says we're fucked, conservatives don't give a shit, so open a beer and enjoy your life for as fucking long as you can....



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