It was a week ago that I wrote about how the GOP Chairwoman was upset that Sen. Bernie Sanders had the audacity to call Trump a racist, and that actor and activist Alyssa Milano said that the MAGA hat is the modern version of the KKK white hood.
As was noted in that blog, Donald Trump was the face of the racist birther movement, and furthermore, Trump quoted a white nationalist and a homophobe in one week (racism and homophobia is pretty KKK). Not to mention, that he uses Honduran women and children refugees as a fear mongering tool for his white nationalist base.
Those blogs are reminders of my failure, because I forgot to mention Charlottesville, in which the president of the United States defended white supremacists and neo-Nazi's.
Fucking neo-Nazi's!
So what Sen. Sanders and Alyssa Milano said isn't anything controversial, whatsoever. What is controversial is that Donald Trump has supporters of any kind. Like I said in the blog about the GOP Chairwoman, if you don't want people to assume that you're a racist, don't associate yourself with racists.
Well, grifter Candace Owens called Alyssa Milano, "a sickening brand of neo-liberalism."
The first question I have to ask, what hat was it that people were wearing in Charlottesville, when they were chanting "Jews will not replace us"?
My second question, which brand of neoliberalism isn't sickening?
Nonetheless, I do appreciate her pointing out that capitalism is shitty for minorities, though it's not from a W.E.B Du Bois angle.
Plus, with how she explained socialism, she revealed that she doesn't know much about how economical systems work.
I call her a grifter, because simply put, she is. Pointing out that it was people were MAGA hats chanting "Jews will not replace us," pretty much proves the point.
Without identity politics, she provides nothing intellectually worth of value that isn't already being said by some white guy conservative.
Even the thing she is most known for, her "Blexit" bullshit is just that. All "Blexit" means is that black people should stop voting for the Democratic Party, and that black people should "exit from permanent victimhood."
The thing is though, if you're an African American who protests people in your community being murdered by the state, or had someone you know unjustly killed by the state, you won't have Candace Owens on your side.
The Democratic Party should certainly be criticized, but at the very least it's not trying to take away African Americans right to vote.
Candace Owens advice for black people in Georgia, is that they should vote for people like this, who just so happens to have prevented thousands of African Americans from voting: