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Hearing Kavanaugh's Accuser, And What? Thought Republican Senators Would Really Give A Shit?

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski


Republicans don't care about getting to the bottom of whether or not Judge Brett Kavanaugh has sexually assaulted women, otherwise, they would have his friend Mark Judge who was accused to be at the scene and has written some shit that doesn't help Kavanaugh's cause.

Unless, you knew he did do some bad shit in the past? Or, you simply don't give a shit. Like, South Carolina Republican Rep. Ralph Norman, who made a "joke" that Abraham Lincoln had sexually assaulted Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Like, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina). Who said on Fox News that he wasn't "going to ruin Judge Kavanaugh's life over this," when asked if Ford could change his mind?

Aside from the obvious indifference. I had never considered the idea that not being allowed to be placed on the Supreme Court meant your life was ruined?

Graham went on to say he would listen to Kavanaugh's accuser and that in his view, people were "using her."

Screenshot: Twitter

See, Graham does care about sexual assault victims after all.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassely (R-Iowa) got in on the game that Kavanaugh was a victim, and the Dr. Ford was nuisance.

Grassely sent out a trio of tweets:

Grassely's sent tweets around the time that a Senior GOP aide who was working on the nomination of Kavanaugh has resigned over allegations that he sexually harassed someone in a previous job that he was fired from.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell showed that he too does not care what Ford says, because Brett is in. While speaking to the anti-LGBT Family Research Council crowd that "In the very near future, Judge Kavanaugh will be on the U.S. Supreme Court."

Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer of The New Yorker has reported that another women claims that she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh. Deborah Ramirez and Kavanaugh were both freshman at Yale when the alleged attack happened. The says she didn't come out about it sooner because was drinking during the incident.

Here's a part of The New Yorker article:

A third male student then exposed himself to her. “I remember a penis being in front of my face,” she said. “I knew that’s not what I wanted, even in that state of mind.” She recalled remarking, “That’s not a real penis,” and the other students laughing at her confusion and taunting her, one encouraging her to “kiss it.” She said that she pushed the person away, touching it in the process. Ramirez, who was raised a devout Catholic in Connecticut, said that she was shaken. “I wasn’t going to touch a penis until I was married,” she said. “I was embarrassed and ashamed and humiliated.” She remembers Kavanaugh standing to her right and laughing, pulling up his pants. “Brett was laughing,” she said. “I can still see his face, and his hips coming forward, like when you pull up your pants.” She recalled another male student shouting about the incident. “Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’ ” she said. “It was his full name. I don’t think it was just ‘Brett.’ And I remember hearing and being mortified that this was out there.”

The news of another accuser claiming that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted them has some short-circuiting:

The testimonies won't change anything, so calm down Ann. Kavanaugh is going to get on the Supreme Court and you'll get to be a second class citizen again. Come to think of it, I'm not sure whether or not Ann has kids? You'd think a conservative would get married, but who would be so miserable to marry Ann Coulter and think they're happy?

What I know is that Christine Blasey Ford has had to leave her home due to death threats. That Brett Kavanaugh and his wife have received threats themselves.

And, according to McClatchy:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office has received threats of bodily and sexual harm against staff — some naming specific employees — following Feinstein’s involvement in allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Feinstein is the second woman senator whose office is reporting such threats. The White House said Thursday Kavanaugh and his wife have also received threats.

The office of Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, has also been also receiving ugly calls and emails. Those against Kavanaugh’s nomination have pressured Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Collins, female Senate Republicans who support abortion rights, to vote against his confirmation.

America, is not a great nation...



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