Hugh Hewitt on his radio show, said numerous times that Donald Trump was not mocking Christine Blasey Ford, but was rather "poking holes in her testimony."
Hugh Hewitt asked a radio caller what they though of the president's Mississippi rally?
Their conversation:
(CALLER): Well I'm so proud of our president, Hugh. I just love him and when he comes out and says exactly what we're thinking -- it's so frustrating. I've had sleepless nights over this. I think that woman was propped up to look frail, and needy, and in distraught, and everything like that. But none of it matched up. With her high education, she's married, she has a family, all this other stuff. But she looks so distraught and frail -- it was not believable, she was not believable. And I'm so glad the president put light on it.
HEWITT: Well, the controversy is that he was mocking her. I don't think he was mocking her.
CALLER: No, no.
HEWITT: I think he was poking holes in her testimony.
Later in the show, Hewitt responding to a caller:
I tell you, the boyfriend's ex letter, the therapist notes that haven't shown up, the housing permits. Her story is crumbling, and the president just broke the glass last night. He was not mocking her. He was attacking the credibility of her testimony. And I can see the media has moved on from, oh it's not going to work that Brett Kavanaugh was a teenager who -- and by the way, Brett Kavanaugh organized a beach party at a beach house to drink beer when he was 18. How shocking. I really can't even begin to tell people about what went on at Billow Beach in Saybrook Township at my grandfather's cottage when I was in high school. I can't do that. But that ain't me at 53 or 62.
I mean, what the fuck Hewitt? How do you see this video, and not see it as Trump mocking Christine Blasey Ford?
How about going on the internet and doing like five minutes of research to learn about memory, and someone's memory after a traumatic event? No one is bashing Kavanaugh for drinking. People are bashing Kavanaugh for being a huge-fucking-asshole when he gets drunk.
How could you think this president has anything insightful to say when you were the one who asked him about the nuclear triad in a debate for the Republican presidential nomination, and he rambled on like a fucking moron?
Furthermore, when you asked him a question in a different debate. The guy mocked you for your ratings.
Hugh Hewitt, what the fuck man?