Comedian Bill Hicks once said to read Noam Chomsky, because he'll squeegee your third eye. I've read a lot of Noam Chomsky, and I feel like he's one of the increasingly few intellectuals who should be liked. His entire career has been to let the common folk see how the "masters of mankind" are controlling our society, the hypocrisy of the United States, and the west. For example; we claim to promote democracy, yet we are backing Rwandan's to enter into Congo to get the resources that we use for all of our cell phones. Congo should be a prosper country, but U.S. and Dutch interferences throughout history has made that impossible.
One of many reasons as to why I hate Donald Trump is this sick ability to get people to focus on him and what he says, instead of taking a look at what is going on around him. As journalist Chris Hedges and others have said, Trump is the symptom, not the disease. A society not infected wouldn't have elected such a piece of shit like Trump, but our other only realistic choice was Hillary Clinton, in many ways the face of the disease. The face of a Democratic party that stopped caring for the poor and the working class, and does the what the corporate world wants. The Republicans are corporate bitches more so, to be sure, but the Democrats needed to be the party that fought against that. They no longer do that, other than with slogans as fake as they sound coming out of their mouths. People like Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer, wouldn't be in positions of power if not for corruption in the Democratic party. As the Koch Brothers were using their empty-headed monster Scott Walker to transform Wisconsin, the Democratic party stood aside and watched as Wisconsin voted for Trump. Republicans made it hard to for African Americans to vote? The Democratic party couldn't even stand up against that.
Noam Chomsky reminded me that Russia is not the only country that has tried to influence American politics, and nowhere near the most influential. Unfortunately, it's almost too taboo to discuss that country; Israel. As Noam Chomsky points out, in 2015, "Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed congress without even informing President Obama in order to undermine his Iran program." Keep in mind, when the United States hacked Iran's uranium-enrichment software, it was likely done to prevent Israel from bombing Iran. Furthermore, you don't need to look to other countries to see meddling in our democracy. Just look at what's happening to us from within.
Since the Reagan-era, the business class has made both parties shills to the "masters of man kind." The business class is attacking our "liberal democracy" and we find ourselves in a period of time similar to the Gilded Ages. Take for example Donald Trump going to Wisconsin to brag about Foxconn being built in Wisconsin, a company that has nets around their building to prevent suicide via jumping off the roof of the building in China.
I could worry about Russian meddling, which isn't wrong to do, nor insignificant. But, all I need to do is look at the possible appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. If he gets to sit on the Supreme Court, you can kiss the Civil Rights Voting Act goodbye. The news spends time on Russia, but this has a much larger impact on minorities, not to mention an economic system that has always fucked them over. Meanwhile, Trump's U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has further limited government oversight of dark money getting into elections (so much for draining the swamp).
I can be a sucker just as much as anyone. Trump is a piece of shit, and although I have talked about a lot of things other than Russia. In my daily life, I need to remember we're fucked for a lot of reasons.