“I would be willing to 'shut down' government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall! Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to system of Immigration based on MERIT! We need great people coming into our Country!” tweeted shit-fuck Trump, on July 29. I’m fine his policy on one condition, his wife Melania, and her family gets deported.
As Slate Magazine points out: “Two immigration attorneys I spoke to told me that Knauss/Trump would have been considered a deportation priority if the Trump administration’s guidelines had been in effect at the time she was (apparently) working and living in the U.S. under false pretenses. It’s even technically possible that her citizenship could be revoked for document fraud, and Trump has said that if immigrants violate the law in any way, ‘they have to go.’”
Not only has Melania likely worked here illegally, but her parents got green cards with the ol’ “chain migration”, or “lottery” system. “Only spouses and minor children could be sponsored for legal residency,” is under Trump’s plan, but that doesn’t work for his wife.
I’ve been numbed, and no longer shocked by Trump’s immigration practices for sometime now. It doesn’t shock me that Trump’s own policy wants to have the ACLU to have to do the dirty work his administration started.. A white woman (Melania) who’s done nothing for America can marry a draft dodger (Donald Trump), and both are not punished. Meanwhile, U.S. Marine Alejandra Juarez, a wife, a mother, and a veteran, is being forced to be deported to Mexico.
Trump “always says he loves the military and he’s doing everything for the military,” Alejandra said. “My husband fought for this country three times. The administration, yourself, you think you are punishing men. You’re not just punishing me. I hope this makes him happy. Perhaps we will forgive me.”
Maybe “you’ll” forgive him, but he loves you being gone. You’re brown….