Monday, July 9, BuzzFeed published an article that pregnant women in detention have had miscarriages, and were being denied the care they needed. “I realized I was losing my son. It was his life that I was bleeding out. I was staining everything. I spent about eight days just lying down. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t do anything. I started crying and crying and crying.”
This woman was seeking asylum from El Salvador, which means trying to come to the United States legally.
It’s why I always knew hearing conservatives complain about “illegal immigrants” was just code word for whatever their reason, whether it was racism-fear, for those that speak Spanish and are brown. The pro-life with this immigration crisis caused by Donal Trump’s administration is just as full of shit as those that claimed they didn’t like “illegal immigration” and not immigrants. Pro-lifers are a nationalistic movement, not a life movement. The anti-illegal immigrants are really just anti-immigrant. As one woman seeking asylum said, “They (CBP) said I didn’t have any rights there and I told them I was asking for asylum because it was dangerous in my country.”
Five women pregnant women, interviews and affidavits, have described “jailers as unwilling or unable to respond to medical emergencies, and recounted an incident of physical abuse for CBP (Customs and Border Protection) officer who knew they were dealing with a pregnant woman.”
Pregnant asylum seekers say (I have no reason to doubt them, believe a pregnant women fleeing hell or a fascist?) CBP officers pushed them to ground. When the women told them they were pregnant, the officers wouldn’t believe them, say it wasn’t important, and that “it wasn’t their problem.”
this is the madness that comes from “zero tolerance” policies. The reality is that “zero tolerance” won’t work, and that those living in bad conditions will do anything to get to a place they think they can live a decent life. We saw this and still see this with Cubans who try to make it to America on “boats,” and we also see this from migrants from Muslim countries willing to travel in life threatening conditions to make it to Europe.
I’m not arguing open borders, or that a government doesn’t have a right to cap the amount of immigrants. What I’m saying is that we and the world need to do this humanly, and this administration and its supports are not.
These people are willing (desperate) and will come, no matter the conditions, as described by musician Gottlieb Mittelberger, who came to America from Germany around 1750:
“During the journey the ship is full of pitiful signs of distress-smells, fumes, horrors, vomiting, various kinds of sea sickness, fever, dysentery, headaches, heat, constipation, boils, scurvy, cancer, mouth-rot, and similar afflictions, all of them caused by the age and the high salted state of the food, especially of the meat, as well as by the very bad and filthy water. . . Add to all that shortage of food, hunger, thirst, frost, heat, dampness, fear, misery, vexation, and lamentation as well as other troubles. . . On board our ship, on a day on which we had a great storm, a woman about to give birth and unable to deliver under the circumstances, was pushed through one of the portholes into the sea. . .”
BuzzFeed article: