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In Trump's AP Interview He Says "I Have A Natural Instinct For Science"

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

Screenshot: Twitter

Donald Trump decided to start the day showing he sucks, so why not end the day like it too?

In his interview with the AP, when was asked about the possibility that people will be voting for Democrats in the midterms because of him, he replied, "No, I think I'm helping people. I don't believe anybody's ever had this kind of impact."

He's right. No president has ever been as completely insane as he.

Joking aside, people who would otherwise not engage in politics has since Trump became president, because it sadly needed a buffoon for people to realize that voting and being politically active is important. Even if the politicians are corrupt like say, Hillary Clinton, she wouldn't have nominated a Supreme Court Judge that will take rights away from women. Furthermore, the left would not have been this active had Hillary become president.

It's not like Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi as to why people will vote for Democrats. The Democratic Party is far too incompetent to get this enthusiasm behind them, so they needed the most ridiculous person to become president in order to get this kind of enthusiasm.

Congratulations, Democratic Party. Just remember, if you guys weren't so corrupt, there wouldn't be a Donald Trump presidency.

One could argue there are many reasons as to why people hate Trump, but one of them is his misogyny, culminating in his nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Trump calling Stormy Daniels "Horseface" in all honesty does not hurt or help him. It was the Kavanaugh decision if independent women voters choose to vote Democrat during these midterms.

Later in the interview he was asked about the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

"Well, I think we have to find out what happened first," Trump said. We know what happened Trump, Saudi Arabia murdered a journalist. Unbelievably, Trump went on to use the same line of defense for the Saudi's as he had used for Brett Kavanaugh, saying, "Here we go again with, you know, you're guilty until proven innocent. I don't like that. We just went through that with Justice Kavanaugh. And he was innocent all the way."

Just one problem, the Kavanaugh situation was a he said-she said thing. Especially, since the Senate Judiciary Committee didn't find it important to interview Kavanaugh's friend, Mark Judge.

With Khashoggi, we have video of him walking into a building, but no video of him walking out. Trump is lying, being gullible, or simply being a coward.

Donald Trump has largely been able to president by doing PR stunts. A reality tv version of POTUS, where he gets to act like his is president, but he isn't really doing much.

Whether it's North Korea and their nukes, his performances about getting NATO to do something they planned on doing years before he was president, or his boasting about an economy in which he was awaiting him after the president before him was handed a recession. He gets to boast about an economy, because someone else fixed it for him. Though, one could easily argue that Obama's economy wasn't that great either.

Inevitably, you knew Trump would get asked questions about the Russia investigation.

The AP writes:

On the ongoing Russia investigation, Trump defended his son Donald Trump Jr. for a Trump Tower meeting with a Kremlin-connected lawyer offering damaging information about Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump called his son a “good young guy” and said he did what any political aide would have done.

No, that is illegal. That is only "what any political aide would have done," if their name was E. Howard Hunt, or G. Gordon Libby.

We know you know that it was illegal what Don Jr. did, because Trump called Nixon's presidential councilmen, John Dean, a rat:

Anyone with a brain knows what the context of calling Dean a "rat" meant. Someone telling the authorities about crimes that have committed. Trump knows his son is fucked, and yet he keeps throwing him under the bus.

The final part of the interview I wanted to discuss, was the best part, and a part of my title.

Trump being asked about Climate Change (underlined emphasis mine):

Trump again cast doubt on climate change, suggesting, incorrectly, that the scientific community was evenly split on the existence of climate change and its causes. There are “scientists on both sides of the issue,” Trump said.

“But what I’m not willing to do is sacrifice the economic well-being of our country for something that nobody really knows,” Trump said.

He added: “I have a natural instinct for science, and I will say that you have scientists on both sides of the picture.”

Climate science is something that nobody really knows, but I do. Matter of fact, "I have a natural instinct for science."

Really? Cause I'm no science nerd, but even I know that when you pump toxic greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It's probably not a good thing.

But don't worry people, Trump knows more than those geeks at NASA, or scientists who have spent their lives in the field.

I lied, there was one more thing from the AP interview that was amazing:

And he defended his decision to break from his predecessors and not yet visit a military base in a combat zone, claiming it was not “overly necessary.”

Just imagine the shit flinging frenzy by Fox News and the right had president Obama made a statement like that?

So much for respecting the men and women who serve in the military.

Honestly, I'm so sick and fucking tired of Trump supporters. He insults your intelligence on a daily basis, but you're just too goddamn pathetic to care to have any self-respect or dignity.

Here's what he thinks of you dopes:

Guess what Trump supporters? He's right. He's fucking right.... You'll eat up anything this fuck says..



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