Everyday with Trump it’s a “let’s look on Twitter to see what the shithead has said this time.” In reality, as we focus on what he says on Twitter. We forget to look at what his policies are really doing, and corporate media is complicit because they spend their time on the gossip aspects of Donald Trump.
Journalist, Author, and Badass, Chris Hedges writes:
The problem with Donald Trump is not that he is imbecilic and inept—it is that he has surrendered total power to the oligarchic and military elites. They get what they want. They do what they want. Although the president is a one-man wrecking crew aimed at democratic norms and institutions, although he has turned the United States into a laughingstock around the globe, our national crisis is embodied not in Trump but the corporate state’s now unfettered pillage.
That is what we should be talking about. Read Chris Hedges work, because I want to talk about Trump’s tweets. The two reasons that they fascinate me is that it shows how he’s a fucking lunatic, and that people out their listen to this fucking lunatic.
September 13, 2018, Donald Trump went on a twitter-spree of a lunatic monster who is spreading its wings to soar in the sky like a Pterodactyl.
It began with Donald Trump going after another “rich asshole” who has talked about running for president. This time it was JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon. Then went on to weave through tweeting about FBI conspiracy theories, and tweets that were storm-related.
4:22 AM - Sep 13, 2018:
The problem with banker Jamie Dimon running for President is that he doesn’t have the aptitude or “smarts” & is a poor public speaker & nervous mess - otherwise he is wonderful. I’ve made a lot of bankers, and others, look much smarter than they are with my great economic policy!
4:39 AM - Sep 13, 2018:
We are completely ready for hurricane Florence, as the storm gets even larger and more
powerful. Be careful!
5:06 AM - Sep 13, 2018:
More text messages between former FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are a disaster and embarrassment to the FBI & DOJ. This should never have happened but we are learning more and more by the hour. “Others were leaking like mad” in order to get the President! ........
5:10 AM - Sep 13, 2018:
.....”It is a cesspool of corruption, and the people who did this need to be brought to justice.” @GreggJarrett
After retweeting his own tweets, he praised Fox and Friend:
5:25 AM - Sep 13, 2018:
“Middle-Class Income Hits All-Time High!” @foxandfriends And will continue to rise (unless the Dems get in and destroy what we have built).
After lying about the status of the middle class. He wanted to tell the world that reality is a lie.
5:37 AM - Sep 13, 2018:
3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000...
5:49 AM - Sep 13, 2018:
.....This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!
Apparently, Democrats control the weather, and they killed Puerto Ricans to make Trump look bad. Our president is Alex Jones.
As Chris Hedges notes, the elites can’t rain him in, and those from within the establishment who try have seen themselves ousted, such as Jeff Flake, or Bob Corker.
Chris Hedges writes:
Yes, the elites wish Trump would act more presidential. It would help the brand. But all attempts by the elites to make Trump conform to the outward norms embraced by most public officials have failed. Trump will not be reformed by criticism from the establishment. Republican Sens. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Bob Corker of Tennessee, who denounced Trump, saw their approval ratings plummet and have decided not to run for re-election. Trump may have public approval of only 39 percent overall, but among Republicans the figure is 78 percent. And I don’t think those numbers will decrease.
The reason for the elites inability to reform Trump comes from “their loss of credibility”:
The inability of the political establishment and the press to moderate or reform Trump’s egregious behavior is rooted in their loss of credibility. The press, along with political and intellectual elites, spent decades championing economic and political policies that solidified corporate power and betrayed and impoverished American workers. The hypocrisy and mendacity of the elites left them despised and distrusted by the victims of deindustrialization and austerity programs. The attempt to restore civility to public discourse and competency to political office is, therefore, fruitless. Liberal and establishment institutions, including the leadership of the two main political parties, academia and the press, squandered their moral authority. And the dogged refusal by the elites to address the engine of discontent—social inequality—ensures that they will remain ineffectual. They lay down the asphalt for the buffoonery of Trump and the coming tyranny.
To rid us of Trump, and this system. It must come from the bottom up. Unfortunately, decades of turning people into cult followers, who have allowed the masters to bring back slaves. And it’s not just Trump supporters that I’m talking about.