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Lindsay Graham And Brett Kavanaugh Were Unhinged Today

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

Screenshot: MSNBC

Screenshot: USA Today

Those involved in the testimonies of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and Judge Brett Kavanaugh. It was Lindsay Graham and Brett Kavanaugh who won the award for most unhinged-buffoons during the testimonies.

Lets start with Lindsey Graham.

Lindsey on Ford's testimony:

Not only did he forget that Democrats like Al Franken have been forced out. He said what the Democratic Party was doing was the "Most unethical sham since I've been in politics:

He seemed to forget what his party has done in the past:

Does Merrick Garland sound familiar Lindsey? Let me jog your memory:

As Lindsey headed into an elevator after Ford's testimony, he was reportedly confronted by a protester who said they had been raped. Lindsey told the protester, "I'm sorry. Tell the cops."

Meanwhile, Brett Kavanaugh decided to be a lunatic as well.

When Senator Any Klobuchar asked Kavanaugh if he had ever blacked out drinking before? He asker her, "You are asking about a blackout. I don't know. Have you?"

I remember blacking out before. Someone telling the truth would say yes if they had. You say yes or no, not, "I don't know." He's a lying-fucking-prick.

Part of his opening statement (emphasis mine):

This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. You have replaced advise and consent with search and destroy. This whole two week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit. Fear that has been unfairly stoked on my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons...this is a circus. The consequences will extend long past my nomination...I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. You have tried hard, you’ve given it your all, no one can question your effort. But your coordinated effort to destroy my good name and family will not win out.

"He has, for one thing, all but abandoned the posture of impartiality demanded of a judge," writes Jonathan Chait. As Jonathan points out, Democrats did not do this to Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Richard Wolfee of The Guardian writes of what his rants meant:

He lapsed into his old role as a political hack, accusing a wide range of actors for his suffering: the media, the Democrats on the judiciary committee, a vast leftwing conspiracy, the Clintons. He predicted political Armageddon as sex was weaponized to destroy reputations, notably his own, as he was just on the verge of success.

As women have pointed out, Dr. Ford, "didn't have the luxury of being angry." If Ford acted the way Kavanaugh did in her opening statements, she would be a lunatic. Now, I consider Kavanaugh to have acted like a lunatic, because he did. She acted like someone to be put on the Supreme Court than he did, even though she was emotional too.

Men can forget how much they still control things:

As noted by at least one person on Twitter:

Kavanaugh did have a supporter in the President:

But that isn't a good look for Judge Kavanaugh:

Trump is also a man who said during a press conference, noted by MediaMatters, in which the President said the women who have accused him of sexually assaulting them was a conspiracy against him:

I've been accused. I've been accused. False accusations. Excuse me. I've been accused, and I was accused, by, I believe it was four women, you can check with Sean Hannity, you can check with Fox [News] because they covered it very strongly.

Who got paid? Excuse me -- excuse me, I was accused by four or five women who got paid a lot of money to make up stories about me. We caught them, and the mainstream media refused to put it on television, they refused to even write about it. There were four women, and maybe more.

A man accused of sexual assault, and making up conspiracy theories is not a good look for Brett Kavanaugh.

But, at least he does have women who support him:



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