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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

Macron, You're Always Welcome To Troll My President

Screenshot: France 24 via YouTube

President Emmanuel Macron of France, is my fucking boy! For not only did he troll Trump, he also was also a total clock to Trump having a meeting this weekend with Russia's Vladimir Putin.

It began last Tuesday, the 6th of November, when Macron suggested the idea that Europe should create its own army, and even dared to mention the United States and Russia being the reasons for creating the European army.

My feeling is that Macron is saying what European countries are thinking. I think European leaders understand that if Trump is not a Putin puppet, at the very least, they view him as a fucking stupid person.

Look at the difference between Macron's look at the approaching Vladimir Putin compared to that of Trump:

Screenshot: Twitter

One is a puppet, and the other is looking at the puppet master.

I'm kidding. I don't know if Trump is Putin's bitch. All I know is that I have more admiration and patriotism towards Macron than I do Trump, just standing there grinning like a dumbass at a man who murders journalists and political activists who are tired of his corruption and violence towards his opponents.

In other words, a Donald Trump kind of guy.

On Armistice Day, it began with Macron trolling Donald Trump on his idea of being a "nationalist." Macron called nationalism a "betrayal of patriotism."

"By saying 'our interests first and never mind the others' you stamp out the most precious thing a nation has-its moral values," Macron added.

I could easily be guilty of reading too much between the lines, but I wonder if the "moral values" was also a shot at Trump? After all, Macron was bashing nationalism at the time.

According to reports, the French organizers for the lunch that would come after the ceremony, changed the seating arrangements, which did not have Putin and Trump sitting next to each other.

Why it happened, I don't care. I enjoyed it whether Macron was personally responsible or not, because I have more patriotic respect for Macron than I do Donald Trump.

His trolling of Trump's nationalism. Moving Putin and Trump away from each other during a lunch, and possibly taking away from Trump the only reason he wanted to go to Europe in the first place.

Until Trump is no longer president, Macron is my pseudo-President unit further notice...

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