As reported by The Intercept, the Republican led House Rules Committee is going to remove wolves from the endangered species list, under the "Manage Our Wolves Act."
The summary states that the bill, "Provides for removal of the Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife."
The point of this is not really about the Mexican Gray Wolf, but instead, an excuse to kill another bill with a "underhanded maneuver," that could result in a house vote on the future of U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen.
Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Cali), introduced a resolution that would've had America end its support, and involvement in the tragedy that has been unfolding in Yemen for years.
The committee' summary:
"Motion by Mr. McGovern to strike section 4 of the rule, which will turn off the privileged status of Rep. Khanna’s War Powers Act Resolution, which states that Congress never authorized the U.S.’s support of the Saudi-led forces in Yemen and would direct President Trump to end this support."
In emails, advocacy officer at the Yemen Peace Project, Erick Eikenberry, told The Intercept:
"Republican leadership had to kill the bill in a surprise, underhanded maneuver. If they didn’t, they risked further rank-and-file Republican cosponsors and a floor vote, a prospect which leadership, always bent on ensuring impunity for the administration, could not abide."
In the era of the war on terror, and endless war, here's my advice.
Don't vote for a candidate, because you think they'll get America out of a war.
Nixon promised that he would get America out of Vietnam, which happened only after years more of endless and pointless bloodshed.
Obama talked about not participating in dumb wars, yet expanded a drone program that will only increase risks of terrorism, and saw the support for terrorist groups expand in countries like Yemen, who were one of the front lines for this new era of drone warfare.
U.S. citizen Anwar al-Awlaki was killed by a drone strike in Yemen, if one wanted to make the argument that justifies such an action is one thing, but it's another that his 16-year-old son Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was then killed two weeks later by a CIA drone strike.
Roughly six years later, Abdulrahman's eight-year-old sister was killed in a disastrous U.S. raid by Navy Seals.
Trump had just recently become president, and so surely was looking to show Americans and the world how big of a "tough guy" he was, but I remember that one of the appeals for voting for Trump came from the same false notion as those who voted for Obama.
Americans mistakingly thought Obama would end the War on Terror, so they voted for him.
For Donald Trump too, did some Americans vote for him under false pretenses that he would end the endless.
In the era of the War on Terror, and endless war, my simple advice is this: Don't vote for candidates based on whether they will end the war on terror.
That doesn't mean don't vote for someone who says they will, I simply mean that whether they truly want to or not, vote for someone who will be afraid of protests, or sympathetic to protests.
As the subject in which I am writing about, politicians are making it harder for others to end American involvement in the Middle East militarily.
What needs to truly happen to end things is massive protests, the likes of which we saw at the beginning of the Iraq War, and during the Vietnam War.