Like the title says, I don't think Congresswoman Maxine Waters should've been the one to encourage protesters to heckle people in the Trump Administration, but someone should've said it. Protesters should heckle people like Stephen Miller and Kirstjen Nielsen like fans heckling the road team at a sports event. Protesters going to a Mexican restaurant to protest (non-violently of course) Kirstjen Nielsen is exactly what needs to be done. While separating Latin American families and locking up asylum seekers. To go to a Mexican restaurant shows how sick and out of touch she is.
Sarah Sanders thinks she can live life without consequences for her actions, for lying for an administration that is racist and immoral. She shouldn't be kicked out of a restaurant (even if she stayed-her food was going to get spit on), but a Gay couple shouldn't be denied service either. Protesters should chant fascist at any restaurant that she eats at, until she's left with only getting take out. Especially after she says things like "just because you don't see a judge doesn't mean you aren't receiving due process" to defend this human rights atrocity. For anyone who knows anything about how corrupt our judicial system and about our prison industrial complex, what she said was a lie and insane.
For Jeff Sessions, separating families is just a joke:
"These same people (people upset by these evil policies) live in gated communities, many of them, and are featured events where you have to have an ID to even come in and hear them speak. They like a little security around themselves. And if you try to scale their fence, believe me, they'll be only too happy to have you arrested and separated from your children." What he said was hypocritical and incoherent, but he got a laugh from his audience.
A White House aide told Vanity Fair that Stephen Miller "actually enjoys" seeing pictures of children detained at the border and that he's "Waffen-SS." Would it shock you if he wanted to see these "illegals" killed? It wouldn't shock me one bit. If Socialists want to non-violently protest him like they did with Kirstjen Nielsen, how could you practically or morally say that's a bad idea? Oh i know. You're a piece of shit!
Freedom for Immigrants have released a damning report on the treatment of immigrants in detention centers:
A detained immigrant was told by an officer that he would "bet on him in a fight against another detainee." the same detainee was denied hygiene products, and his food would be regularly thrown away. Officers would call him a "baboon" and "gorilla," while encouraging others to "rattle his cage." When the detainee tried to file a complaint for his treatment, the officer told him "no one will believe baboon complaints."
A guard at Pinal County Jail in Florence, Arizona, told a man to "look in the mirror to see King Kong."
At Otay Detention Facility in San Diego, the medical staff denied treatment to immigrants because they dislike "illegals that only came to the U.S. to steal jobs from white people."
There have been 800 complaints of abuse motivated by hate in 34 immigration detention facilities since the Orange-Faced Fascist-Douchebag has been president.
The Daily Beast had a story about immigration attorney Andrea Martinez taking her three year old client to reunite him with his pregnant mother and family at a facility in Kansas City. Martinez "was accompanying the boy, his pregnant mother, and his father into an ICE field office but Martinez was denied access. That's when Martinez said she was 'knocked to the ground and bloodied' by and ICE officer."
By the way, Martinez broke her foot, the ICE officer arrested her, and wouldn't allow her to get access to medical treatment. In a statement Martinez said "this was because he was mad that he had so many camera's filming him in the ICE parking lot as he was deporting my three year old client and his pregnant mother."
This officer, and many like him think that they can enforce the law, while not abiding by the law. Protesters should stand outside of ICE buildings and stations and call them Brown Shirts. That's what they are. You have to be an asshole to be an ICE officer. You're rounding people up and sending them away, because they're trying to keep themselves and their families alive. In any group of people there will obviously be some bad people, but to see all of them like Trump; rapists and murders, and maybe some good people. When in fact, it's the reverse. If ICE was going after violent, awful people, we would understand, I would understand. That is not what is happening.
It's not radical to call ICE officials racist, it's not radical to say that ICE should be abolished. Their actions have proven clearly that they are despicable racists, who will abuse their power, treat people like shit. Furthermore, don't let people use the word "illegal" as a front to hide their racism. "I'm not racist, I just want people to come legally." Well, they try and it's called Asylum. This awful shit is happening to asylum seekers too, and for years the stats show that seeking asylum is pretty much a waste of time for immigrants. A journalist from Mexico fled and sought asylum for the fact his life was in danger, and he was stuck in an immigration detention center for two years. Maybe that was a good thing since after all, as our president has said recently, journalists are the enemies of the people.
First you dehumanize, then you round them up, what next? As of now, it is at best the same thing that happened to Japanese Americans, which is a disgrace. At worse, this will become ethnic-cleansing. I hope it doesn't come to that, but if we can already do what we're doing immigrants already, why can't things get darker? The right are hypocrites, and the Republican party is nothing but sycophants to oligarchic-fascistic-authortarianism. The Democratic party is fucking awful too, which is why civil-disobedience is extremely important to do.
Don't let the right say that the left is being "uncivil" for what Maxine Waters said, because of one word; Trump. He even proves that with his tweet regarding what she said, and threatening her to watch out. She canceled visits to Texas and Alabama because of death threats; WHAT A FUCKING SHOCK!!!!!
Congresswoman Maxine Waters was right, because the Democrats are wimps, and the right is fucking insane! The word "civility" being discussed in recent weeks does not apply to conservatives, but does to the left. Don't play by non-existent rules that the right and the Democratic Leaders want you to play by.