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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

Mike Pence and Dinesh D'Souza, My Douchebags of the Week

Mike Pence and Dinesh D’Souza are two douchebags that Americans have been cursed to endure for the sins of our forefathers committing genocide against Native Americans.

The world of political commentary has not spent time on Mike Pence for quite some time, but CNN found articles written by Mike Pence, back when Clinton was under investigation for a blow job by White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.

In ‘Two Schools of Thought on Clinton,’ Mike Pence says that the two main argument of thoughts are the move on crowd, and the other was the president must be viewed with a higher standard. He’s right that the president should be held to a higher standard, so maybe think about who the hell he’s the vice president for. For the first school of thought, Mike Pence says it’s wrong, because Clinton lied, and that Clinton was not “like the rest of us.”

For the second argument, which he supports, he states:

On the second count, that the President is 'just like the rest of us', he is the most powerful man in the world. If you and I fall into bad moral habits, we can harm our families, our employers and our friends. The President of the United States can incinerate the planet. Seriously, the very idea that we ought to have at or less than the same moral demands placed on the Chief Executive that we place on our next door neighbor is ludicrous and dangerous. Throughout our history, we have seen the presidency as the repository of all of our highest hopes and ideals and values. To demand less is to do an injustice to the blood that bought our freedoms.

That sounds all well and good, just one problem. He fucking works for Donald Trump!!!!

The second douchebag I want to talk a little about is Dinesh D’Souza, maybe not well known, but is probably best known for an anti-Obama documentary that made him $33 million. Now Dinesh D’Souza has a new movie, titled “Death of a Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza celebrates Trump. Along with celebrating Donald Trump, D’Souza argues that the Democratic party has been taken over by fascism. He once tried being a conservative-intellectual, but have the morals and integrity of a demon, D’Souza now goes for the absurd. He supposedly goes as far as to argue that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren could represent the Nazi platform.

That’s not all. His movie “‘Death of a Nation’ draws a provocative analogy between Lincoln and Trump,” said D’Souza about his movie. I would say that D’Souza is just looking for love by praising the man who pardoned him, but to be far to D’Souza, he lives in a false reality where the Republican party is still the party of Lincoln.

Comparing Donald Trump to Abraham Lincoln is clearly insane, but unfortunately in this era of stupidity, let’s discuss this a little further.

Abraham Lincoln fought a war against the Confederate states, while Trump was a leading spokesman against the taking down of Confederate statues: “Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments.” Those are monuments for the Confederacy, not the Union. Furthermore, when the “Unite-the Right” rally in Charlottesville was held, and a right-winger killed someone. Donald Trump said that there were good and bad people on both sides. Essentially giving a pass to people using nazi-slogans, and carrying Confederate flags. Two symbols that easily contradict and destroy his ‘Death of a Nation’ reality, which is why Dinesh D’Souza is nothing other than a brown-skinned troll for white supremacy.

After the Parkland High School shooting, Dinesh D’Souza tweeted “Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs.” Followed by tweeting that the Parkland community was using their grief for publicity “Genuine grief I can empathize with. But grief organized for the cameras-politically orchestrated grief-strikes me as phony & inauthentic.” He later apologized, but fuck his apology, for two reasons. Reason one, he didn’t mean it, that’s two horrible tweets about young people experiencing something too horrific to try and use a metaphor to explain. Secondly, this was not the first time Dinesh D’Souza has tweeted horrible shit.

When the Charlottesville rally was going down, he suggested that it was “a staged event,” and he defended Hitler for being “NOT anti-gay.” “Can a genuine white supremacist be an Obama guy? No. I wonder if who #Charlottesville rally was a staged event,” tweeted D’Souza on August 18, 2017. On October 6, 2017, he tweeted “Hitler was NOT anti-gay. He refused to purge gay Brownshirts from Nazi ranks saying he had no problem as long as they were good fighters.”

Dinesh D’Souza saying something homophobic and incredibly-historically inaccurate laced in right-wing conspiracy theories… Is a good way to end this shit…

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