When Ron DeSantis won the Republican nomination for Governor of America. The first thought that must have came to him was “I need to say some racist shit!”
How will he beat his opponent Andrew Gillum? DeSantis answered:
This is a guy who—although he’s much too liberal for Florida, I think he’s got huge problems with how he’s governed Tallahassee—he is an articulate spokesman for those far left views. He’s a charismatic candidate. I watched those Democrat (sic) debates and none of that was my cup of tea, but he performed better than the other people there.
Ron wasn’t done. He was just getting hot. About talking about the voter’s, he said:
We’ve gotta work hard to make sure that we continue Florida going in a good direction—let’s build off the success we’ve had on Governor Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.
Ron DeSantist is not racist. He just accidentally said racist shit. Just one problem. “DeSantis moderated a Facebook group full of racists.” The racist group was named “Tea Party,” of course. This group is full of racist, Islamophobic, and anti-immigrant shit. Others in the group include Arizona candidate Kelli Ward, her husband Michael Ward, and Corey Stewart, a bigot running for Senate in Virginia.
This group has called Black Lives Matter “ghetto scum.” This “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville was a conspiracy constructed by the left to fuck America. The group said Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg were both a “Hitler wannabe.”
On top of the racism, the group was definitely anti-John McCain. Some called him a “traitor to America.” If you thought that was crazy? They said McCain was a “friend of the Viet Cong” even though they tortured him. Michael Ward, husband to Kelli Ward, called McCain a “strong supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Ron DeSantis is not the only asshole politician in this Facebook group. Republican congressman in the 1st House District, Rod Blum, has proven he’s too insane to be in public office.
Associated Press reported Ryan J. Foley emailed Rod Blum about the fact that he was apart a racism website:
I am looking into this news that Rep. Blum is a member of the Tea Party Facebook group where racist and offensive material is routinely shared.
Ron DeSantis said he wasn’t aware that he was a member of this group and has quit it. Can you explain his membership in this group?
Blum reacted like a lunatic, rather than a public official. Blum tweeted Foley’s “office address, cellphone number, Twitter handle, and other work details.”
The right hates political correctness, because it’s so repressive? Political Correctness prevents them from being repressive…