The last couple of days the news has been talking about former White House official Omarosa Manigualt Newman. I have no idea what her actual role was, and frankly I don’t care. I feel the same way about her that I do about Stormy Daniels. You want to profit off of Trump, go for it, but I’m not going to give my own money in that effort. For example, friends talked about seeing Stormy Daniels strip tease when she came nearby on her stripper tour, and I said “no thanks.” Go for it, make your money if you can, but I’m not giving someone money based on the fact that she fucked a horrible human being.
Omarosa for myself is in the same place in my mind as Stormy Daniels. Go ahead and write a book about your time in the Trump White House, or however else you want to make money from it, but this is as far as I’m going to go in helping you. Honestly, I think in the name of herself, she’s getting in the way of getting rid of Trump. In an interview with NPR, Omarosa said that she heard an ‘Apprentice’ tape, in which Trump used the N-word. She told NPR “hearing it changed everything for me.” Just one problem, apparently in her memoir ‘Unhinged,’ she doesn’t mention the tape. This is why from the moment she got into the news headlines I said “if she has tapes cool, but honestly, she can fuck off.” I feel vindicated, I hate Trump but the hell with Omarosa too. The only reason to value anything that Omarosa has said is the things that are going on around her.
First off, in the wake of Omarosa’s claims, Trump called her a “lowlife.” To be honest, I don’t disagree with that point, the only problem is that a “lowlife” is perfect in his scumbag administration. Someone from the reality television world could only find themselves as a White House official in a presidency of Donald Trump. No presidency has had stupid characters in the White House like this one.
Kellyanne Conway, a woman whose eyebrows look like their stitching is hanging on by a thread from falling off. Omarosa said that she was offered “hush money,” and that everyone in the West Wing has signed nondisclosure agreements. Instead of going on ABC’s “This Week,” to say that what Omarosa said was incorrect, Conway went on and basically said that Omarosa was right. “It is typical, and you know it, to sign and NDA.. in any place of work,” said Conway to host Jonathan Karl. “I’d be shocked if you didn’t have one at ABC,” said Conway. Conway went on to say that she heard that Omarosa had to sign an NDA while on ‘The Apprentice,’ but said that she knew Omarosa did on the campaign, because “We’ve all signed them in the West Wing, and why wouldn’t we?”
I’d reply, “well, the reason why you wouldn’t is because you want to live in a Democracy, and so if you experience a presidential administration being pieces of shit, you should come out and say so.” Furthermore, if you’re joining a business that has you sign an NDA before you start, you know shady shit is happening. That is shady as fuck, then again, a lot of people working for Trump are from Fox News, a company that sounds like sexual harassment was as common as asking a coworker if you could borrow a pen.
Having said all of that, after telling Karl about the NDA’s Trump officials have to sign, Karl made sure to remind her that she is a public employee, and like the moron that Conway is, she replied that “confidentiality is implied.” Being a public official may not be a concept that Kellyanne understands, but my guess is that she knows where bodies are buried, so NDA’s probably help her out as well.
Aside from Omarosa’s antics getting Kellyanne Conway to say that Trump is so corrupt he needs to have everyone sign on the dotted line that tells them to “shut the fuck up.” Omarosa says that Trump has “mentally declined,” and that she was “complicit” in “deceiving this nation.” “Being used by Donald Trump for so long, I was like the frog in hot water,” said Omarosa to ‘Meet the Press’ host Chuck Todd. “You don’t know that you’re in that situation until it just keeps bubbling and bubbling.”
With regards to Trump’s mental state (which I have always thought was stupid) Omarosa said:
I was complicit with this White House in deceiving this nation. They continue to deceive this nation by how mentally declined he is, about how difficult it is for him to process complex information, how he is not engaged in some of the most important decisions that impacts our country.
Even though I don’t believe Omarosa on a lot of things, I do believe her on Trump’s mental state. According to a New York Times report, “national security advisor John Bolton worked with other high-level officials to ensure that the recent NATO agreement was complete before Trump even arrived in Brussels.”
According to the New York Times:
In June, weeks before the meeting, Mr. Bolton sent his demand to Brussels through Kay Bailey Hutchison, the American ambassador to NATO. He wanted the NATO communiqué to be completed early, before the president left for Europe, according to five senior American and European officials familiar with the discussions who described them on the condition of anonymity to avoid angering the White House.
As Splinter News points out:
So to recap: the (somewhat) democratically elected leader of our country was intentionally kept in the dark about new agreements between us and a major international organization because his top appointees were afraid he’d sabotage it. Great. That’s just great.
That’s where we are as a country. Omarosa is in the public sphere, Kellyanne Conway is letting the world know that the Trump administration has you sign “shut the fuck up” papers, and that our president is mentally declining in a way that has people in his administration working behind his back. Omarosa probably says things that are true, and things that are false, but she is one of many people who have been forced into our lives thanks to the asshole known as Donald Trump.