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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

Operation Faithful Pussies

Donald Trump is stoking fear and racism to push a bullshit idea about migrants coming from Honduras, calling it “an assault on our country.”

“What’s happening right now as a large group—they call it a caravan (Trump likes to quote himself)—that is an assault on our country.”

It’s not just racism that Trump uses as a tactic, but he also likes to push bullshit conspiracy theories about Democrats, saying, “I think the Democrats had something to do with it and now they’re saying ‘I think we made a big mistake.’”

When Trump “quotes” people, he calls them “they” because he’s not talking about anyone, he’s just making it up.

Racism, xenophobia, and conspiracy theories, I give you—a fascist.

“They come from countries,” says Mehdi Hasan on his podcast Deconstructed, “like Honduras, which the U.S. helped destabilize in the first place by backing violent coups and turning a blind eye to state-sponsored violence and persecution.”

“To follow Donald Trump’s lead and present these people as an ‘assault’ on America, is irresponsible, dishonest, alarmist and racist.”

Getty Images Staff Photographer John Moore, has posted on his Twitter page, photos of U.S. Army troops being sent to the US—Mexico border in what is being called “Operation Faithful Patriots,” where they are putting up barbed wire.

I shit you not, we are using tax payer money and our troops time to put up barbed wire to keep poor men, women, and children from maybe reaching the border in a month.

It’s the worst display of political antics since the red scare, and the era of McCarthyism, where the government and government officials tried to portray communism as “an assault” on America.

One could certainly attack Trump for the racism, xenophobia, waste of taxpayer money, and the repugnant decision to use service members as a pawn in a racist-bullshit political game.

Here’s what I want to say to Trump and his supporters: you’re a bunch of gutless-pussies.

That people living in the country with the largest military in the history of the world are afraid of a few thousand people with

nothing more than sleeping bags and backpacks, is as disgusting as it is fucking embarrassing.

Trump and his supporters should be considered racist-snowflakes, and “Operation Faithful Patriot” should be renamed “Operational Faithful Pussies.”

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