Our president tweeted insane shit Monday morning, where he said “Disgraced and discredited Bob Mueller and his whole group of Angry Democrat Thugs,” spent so much time with the White House Counsel, “they know there is no Russian Collusion.” Of course, Trump spelt it Councel instead of Counsel, because our president is a fucking moron. As I wrote in part one, Trump has had a life long career of dealing with thugs, and I could’ve written way more about it than I did. I’d just be shooting a dead horse.
Having said that, Trump’s tweets from Sunday and Monday are hard to get out of my mind. From misspelling counsel, to calling Democrats “thugs,” when just imagine if Obama had done that, and Obama would’ve been impeached on the spot.
Before his Monday insane tweets, on Sunday he also had an insane tweet:
The failing @nytimes wrote a Fake piece today implying that because White House Councel Don McGahn was giving hours of testimony to the Special Councel, he must be a John Dean type “RAT.” But I allowed him and all others to testify - I didn’t have to. I have nothing to hide......
Just days removed from letting the world know that he has a Nixon-like “enemy list,” he mentions someone from the Nixon administration for being a “rat.” Meaning, someone confessed to the corruption of a President. In America, blowing the whistle on corruption is what we’re suppose to stand for. Trump has proven to us time and again, that he wants to be the dictator of a third world-banana republic. Like his Monday tweets, Trump misspelled Counsel.
Trump’s insane Monday, did not end with the tweets about the Democratic “thugs.”
In an interview with Reuters, Trump expressed his worries that if he were to speak under oath to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Mueller could use what he says as a “perjury trap.” Now, if one hasn’t lied in public, one wouldn’t have to worry, but Trump has lied in public. When the story first came out that Trump Jr., campaign chair Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner, met with Russians in Trump Tower, they said that it was about Russian adoptions.
Russian adoptions of were linked to the fact that that was the Russian’s reaction to the United States Congress sanctions on Russia, known as the Magnitsky Act.
The first story was that it was about Russian adoptions, but on August 5, Donald Trump had a different story:
Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!
First of all, Trump’s tweet contradicts their first statements of the Trump Tower meeting. Secondly, it’s not “totally legal” to try to get information from a foreign advisory, to get information on a political opponent. Christopher Steele got information from people, he didn’t hack the Trump campaign’s computer system.
Trump saying that he’s worried about being tricked into a “perjury trap,” wasn’t even close to being the most insane thing Trump said in the Reuters interview. In his interview, he said that his administration was “a smooth-running machine, except in that world (Mueller investigation). And I’ve decided to stay out.” That’s right Trump, you will stay out. The law requires you to do so, otherwise we’d be living in a dictatorship, but Trump to doesn’t stop there.
After saying “now I don’t have to stay out.” Trump goes on to say:
I can go in, and I could do whatever — I could run it if I want. But I decided to stay out,” he said. “I’m totally allowed to be involved if I wanted to be. So far, I haven’t chosen to be involved. I’ll stay out.
Trump time and again let’s the world know that he doesn’t understand the Constitution, in any basic form, and that his base doesn’t care. His base would matter of fact love it. His cult followers would love it if Trump got involved in everything. If it was up to his cult followers, you could drive down American streets and see posters of Trump that looked like the one’s you see for Lenin, Mao, and Stalin.
Before ending the interview, Trump made sure to say something stupid, and once again undermine United States intelligence. Trump said that the probe “played right into the Russians- if it was Russia-they played right into Russians’ hands.”
Trump, you seem to know so much about Russia’s game plan, how do you know so much?