When Paul Ryan got national attention he known as a “deficit hawk,” and a face of the new age of conservatism. Unfortunately Paul Ryan’s legacy will be that of man who was a stool pigeon for the rich, and a monster for the poor. A man who bitched about “entitlements,” who will receive a nice-fat pension when he hangs it up, and giving out tax breaks to the rich. Ryan desperately wants to be known as something other than the douchebag, who did the bidding of masters, who did very little to stop Trump, or tell voters that Trump is not good for them, and on top of all of that, his tenure has only seen the national debt increase, and for years to come.
“Every morning, I wake up in my office and scroll Twitter to see which tweets I will have to pretend that I didn’t see later,” said Ryan to an audience of listeners at last fall’s AI Smith dinner in New York. As a VanityFair article points out, Trump has signed into law policies that Paul Ryan should be proud of, so why his he so sad (aw, poor Ryan)? Well, it’s because he sold his soul to the devil, and whatever could have been salvaged by the Republican party, has been shred to pieces left to drift like fallen leafs in a strong breeze.
I’m by no means naive enough to think that the Republican party was anything other than what Trump represents, and all Trump did was reveal the mask, to show the world what the Republican party really is. Having said that, for conservatives who do mean well, the Trump era is sickening. It means the rule of law, and limited government, has been obliterated for authoritarianism. Although I find Paul Ryan to be a scum bag, it doesn’t mean he’s so far into the dark side, that he doesn’t know that what he’s doing is bad for the general population, and to get what his masters wanted meant officially ending the Republican party as we know it. No matter how evil Ryan is, he isn’t the sociopath on a Trumpian scale.
Rick Wilson writes in his book ‘Everything Trump Touches Dies,’ about Paul Ryan’s thinking process. “The idea that Trump was the only way he’d achieve his goals corrupted Paul Ryan,” writes Never-Trumper Rick Wilson. Paul Ryan’s goals were always evil, but Wilson is right that he Paul Ryan didn’t need Trump to do it. He could have gotten these tax cuts from a Marco Rubio, a Ted Cruz, a Jeb Bush, so on and so forth, but without the extra guilt of being a horrible person and destroying the Republican party.
Rick Wilson observes what Ryan did, why he did it, and what it has done to the Speaker of the House:
The tax bill, combined with the ludicrously overblown 2018 budget, left Ryan lost and clearly miserable. Both were masterworks of gigantic government giveaways, unfunded spending, massive debt and deficits, and a catalogue of crony capitalist freebies that would have Hayek spinning in his grave. He had foolishly allowed Devin Nunes to manipulate the probe of Russian interference into the U.S. elections into a Fox News rating machine. A Ryan aide told me that he had allowed Nunes to run buck wild to keep the small but vocal Tumphadi caucus in line. He thought it was a valuable steam valve to relieve political pressure, but it was really a Get Out of Jail Free card for Trump and his associates hip deep in Russian influence.
This “Get Out of Jail Free” card is further proof it true, that Paul Ryan has not only chosen the tax cuts to the determinate of his political party, but also our democracy. It is clear for anyone with a conscience that Paul Ryan is a scumbag, and he knows it, and fears that’s what history will remember him as. This is why he is claiming that he has prevented “tragedies” in private, with regards to Donald Trump.
Here’s an part of a New York Times interview Paul Ryan did, that I read on VanityFair:
Ryan prefers to tell Trump how he feels in private. He joins a large group of Trump’s putative allies, many of whom have worked in the administration, who insist that they have shaped Trump’s thinking and behavior in private: the “Trust me, I’ve stopped this from being much worse” approach. “I can look myself in the mirror at the end of the day and say I avoided that tragedy, I avoided that tragedy, I avoided that tragedy,” Ryan tells me. “I advanced this goal, I advanced this goal, I advanced this goal.”
I locked in on the word “tragedy.” It sets the mind reeling to whatever thwarted “tragedies” Ryan might be talking about. I asked for an example. “No, I don’t want to do that,” Ryan replied. “That’s more than I usually say.
Slithering Paul Ryan, being slithering Paul Ryan, yes I have done things that you haven’t seen, but I won’t tell you. Furthermore, it was your tax policy and you desire to get millions from having access to healthcare that are the tragedies. Paul Ryan is a piece of shit who knows he is a piece of shit, maybe him knowing that means he has some humanity, but his actions say he’s a lizard person….
Quotes and excerpts from ‘Everything Trump Touches Dies’- Pg. 25