As the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court looms, and the corruption of our politics and economics gets another Supreme Court judge. American’s with a brain and a heart need some good fucking news. Something to give us a little hope.
An example of that hope would be Senator Ted Cruz suffering a defeat to his Democratic competitor Beto O’Rourke. Ted Cruz is among the biggest of the piece of shit politicians that we have in modern politics.
After the Orlando massacre, Ted Cruz blamed liberals for not doing enough to condemn anti-LBGT violence by ISIS and others:
For all the Democrats who are loud champions of the gay and lesbian community whenever there is a culture battle waging, now is the opportunity to speak out against an ideology that calls for the murder of gays and lesbians. ISIS and the theocracy in Iran (supported with American taxpayer dollars) regularly murder homosexuals, throwing them from buildings and burying them under rocks. This is wrong, it is evil, and we must all stand against it. Every human being has a right to live according to his or her faith and conscience, and nobody has a right to murder someone who doesn’t share their faith or sexual orientation. If you’re a Democratic politician and you really want to stand for LGBT, show real courage and stand up against the vicious ideology that has targeted our fellow Americans for murder.
Just one problem with that. Cruz spoke at a conference where the main speaker was Kevin Swanson. A man who has insisted the government use the death penalty for Homosexuality.
Ted Cruz was outraged that Democrats wouldn’t vote for Judge Neil Gorsuch. Even though, he said he wouldn’t vote for a judge had Hillary won. Citing that the Supreme Court has had fewer judges historically, and that the vacancy of a ninth judge was not causing anyone any harm.
When we had a short government shutdown in the first month of 2018, Ted Cruz said that he has “consistently opposed shutdowns. In 2013, I said we shouldn’t shut the government.” “They’re angry,” said Cruz of Democratic voters. “They hate the president, and they’re demanding of Senate Democrats: oppose everything, resist everything, shut everything down.”
Just one problem. In 2013, Ted Cruz was the “mascot of the 2013 shutdown,” writes Vox. His inability of grasping the irony and hypocrisy in his statement, is only matched by his soul that is as rotten as a three month old Halloween pumpkin that you’ve yet to remove from your front porch.
As Ted Cruz’s political careers continues on, more and more people will come to realize how horrible he is. Which is why Republicans are increasing their efforts to get Cruz re-elected, which Politico calls a “rescue mission.”
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick went to Washington D.C. “to deliver an urgent plea to White House officials: Send President Donald Trump.” Trump on twitter announced that he would go to Texas in October to hold a rally for Ted Cruz.
Republicans are also wanting donors to get more involved.
According to Politico:
Texas Sen. John Cornyn, who’s planning an October fundraiser for Cruz at Washington’s Capital Grille restaurant, said he had a simple directive to GOP givers.
“We’re not bluffing, this is real, and it is a serious threat,” Cornyn, the No. 2 Senate Republican, said in an interview. “If Ted does his job and we do ours, I think we’ll be fine. But if we have donors sitting on the sidelines thinking that, ‘Well, this isn’t all that serious,’ or ‘I don’t need to be concerned,’ then that’s a problem.”
My guess is that Ted Cruz is going to end up winning, but it’s pretty amazing that Ted Cruz has to even have to try in order to win.
The extra effort needed to reelect Cruz has probably come from the fact people understand Cruz sucks, and also from recent events.
A GoFundMe campaign has raised money for billboards that are of a Donal Trump from
February, 2016, that read:
Why would the people of Texas support Ted Cruz when he has accomplished absolutely nothing for them. He is another all talk, no action pol!
What a great idea to remind people that Donald Trump is lying when he comes to Texas to praise Ted Cruz, and also how big of a bitch Ted Cruz is. Not only did Trump have this tweet about Ted Cruz, but he called Cruz’s wife ugly and said that Ted’s dad assassinated JFK. When Trump comes to Texas in October, it will be Ted Cruz licking Donald Trump’s boots.
Ted Cruz and the Texas GOP have taken up other tactics, aside from trying to pretend things in the past that have occurred and that Cruz has no spine. Their tactic of going after Beto O’Rourke: make him look like a badass.
After O’Rourke backed out of a debate because the two campaigns couldn’t agree on some key aspects of the debate. The Texas GOP sent out three tweets, trying to attack O’Rourke for backing out of the debate.
The first tweet said that O’Rourke was going “to skate on the debate,” because “I just got this killer board.” Nice jab-make your opponent look cool.
The second tweet was a picture of O’Rourke with his band members, where O’Rourke was wearing a dress. “Don’t vote for O’Rourke, because he had fun. That’s not cool. Cool is being a bigoted Evangelical.”
The third tweet was going after O’Rourke for drunk driving in the 1990’s. Implying that he wasn’t at the debate, because he was probably getting drunk and driving around. “Don’t vote for O’Rourke because he is human, and I’m a lizard person.”
Please God, let O’Rourke win!!!