In America, voter suppression is alive and well in the "most democratic nation in the world."
Take for example, a report by the ACLU. The state of Florida is going to punish voters for having to flee a deadly hurricane:
Voters should not have to risk their lives in order to register to vote. Yet, in Florida, that's exactly the position that the state has chosen to put tens of thousands of people in. Despite the state’s Oct. 9 deadline to register to vote arriving amidst a looming Category 4 hurricane, Florida has refused to grant an adequate extension for Floridians to register to vote.
To keep a state that is increasingly becoming a non-white majority from getting any political power is to suppress the vote. This is happening across the country, and it's happening in the state of Georgia.
As noted by RightWingWatch among others-Georgia's Secretary of State, Brain Kemp, is doing his best to suppress to the voter turnout of African American, Latino, and Asian American voters.
In any circumstance this is disgusting political practices, and an egregious assault on our Democracy. What makes Kemp's actions even more insidious than fucking with democracy is that he is running for the Governorship of Georgia.
How many more things are more blatantly corrupt than this? The military and prison industrial complex, tax evasion by the wealthy, etc., but this is up there.
His opponent for the Governorship is asking for him to step down as Secretary of State, but why would a racist asshole do anything other than what a corrupt fuck-face would do?
This is a nationwide problem, and it's why Republicans want Brett Kavanaugh to be on the Supreme Court. As the Republican Party continues its decline into being nothing other than a white nationalist party. They need a Supreme Court that will uphold their voter ID laws, slash early voting, and restrict voter registration.
Although Kemp ran a radical campaign for the GOP nomination, he has tried to make himself look different for more moderate voters.
I ask you this, does this look like a moderate?:
What Kemp won't say in campaign ad's is what he has done for eight years as Secretary of State. Earlier this year, Kemp said, "For anyone to think there’s a way to manipulate the process because you’re secretary of state is outrageous."
According to Mark Stern of Slate, not only could a Secretary of State manipulate the process. It's what Brian Kemp spent his eight years doing as the Secretary of State:
But Kemp doesn’t need to continue shuttering polling places to disenfranchise minority voters in November. He has spent eight years purging black voters from the rolls and canceling their registrations. Last-minute chicanery may be helpful to Kemp, but it probably isn’t worth the publicity nightmare. It’s possible he’s already suppressed enough to votes to win himself four years in the governor’s mansion, a perch he’d doubtless use to continue his erosion of democracy in Georgia.
Here's one of Kemp's tactics that makes him a white supremacist-piece-of-shit via RightWingWatch:
In the spring of 2010, shortly after his appointment, the small South Georgia town of Quitman elected a black majority to the school board for the first time in its history, thanks to a get-out-the-vote campaign by local activists. Within days, armed investigators from Kemp’s office, joined by Georgia Bureau of Investigation officers, were pounding on doors in Quitman’s black neighborhoods, looking for evidence of “voter fraud.” A dozen voting-rights activists, three of whom had won seats on the board, were arrested on felony charges. Governor Nathan Deal re-appointed the whites who’d been defeated, restoring the school board’s white majority. Lacking evidence of voter fraud, the state charged the Quitman 12 with violating obscure provisions of absentee-ballot procedures; one activist, Lula Smart, was hit with 32 felony counts, mostly for carrying envelopes containing completed ballots to voters’ mailboxes for them. Another, Debra Dennard, was charged with two felonies for helping her partially blind father fill out his ballot. After three trials over the course of four years, Smart was acquitted; charges against her fellow Quitman activists were dropped in 2014.
The white man is worried, because as the majority he's been a cunt. He fears what will become of him in the future when minorities become the majority of America. This fear will cause him to do whatever he can to prevent the day when the black and brown have a majority of the vote, and the power.
The white man is choosing to make it harder for minorities to vote, or to get power. It's why he was upset that Obama became President. It's why he talks about a race war, because the day will come when the white man is a minority, and that freaks him the fuck out.