Donald Trump is upset that the news that surrounds him is so negative thanks to none other than himself, but instead of taking a moment to be introspective, our president went to Twitter to bitch:
Just because Fox News is a propaganda channel for you, doesn't make it news.
Brett Kavanaugh is a victory for everything that is awful about America, and he repeatedly lied before the Senate Judiciary Committee:
You may have the attention span of a dog, and your cult followers too.
Others remember the time you mocked a reporter with disabilities:
Fox News and your cult followers may forget you did that, but for the rest of us it was another reason to consider you a piece of shit.
It's hard to report positively about you when the International Panel on Climate Change wrote a report saying that we have 12 years to get our shit together, you ask who wrote the report. As though you know anything with regards to climate science.
Matter of fact, according to a report by the Sierra Club, your NAFTA 2.0 is even worse for the environment. Not really a reason to celebrate, unless you're a Trump sycophant.
There was the time that you went to Twitter and denied that 3,000 Americans had died, because of Hurricane Maria. Not only that, you tried to make it a political football, claiming that it was the Democrats fault for your administration's incompetence:
Only human scum would defend these tweets...
At your rally in Iowa, when you were spreading misinformation about Dianne Feinstein. Your supporters started chanting "Lock her up."
You lie, and your cult followers are too brainwashed to seek out the journalist who reported the leaked letter by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford:
Our president lied, and his supporters chanted locking up a politician because they don't like them. Where is the positive story in that? That Dianne Feinstein isn't going to be locked up? Not if it was up to you and your cult followers..
The reasons you suck is endless, and it's why news coverage around you is negative.
If you don't want to negative news coverage, don't be a piece of shit.
Unfortunately, you are fundamentally a piece of shit, so nothing will change.
Some responses on Twitter to his tweet:
Well said....