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Racial Update II

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

1.  Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) has announced that it has finally reconnected all of its 1.5 million customers, and it happened quick. To get people back on the grid, it took only 328 days after Hurricane Maria. The response to the Hurricane Maria is as much of a sign of racism, as that of Hurricane Katrina. We didn’t give a shit about the poor and African American communities, but America has given even lesser of a shit about the effects of Hurricane Maria.

The number of deaths due to the lack of electricity has been estimated to be from 1,427 to 4,600 people. This should not have happened, and race has to play a role in this, but it isn’t the whole story. People are still living with the after effects of Hurricane Sandy, and Hurricane Harvey, but whether they are of color or are poor, they will be mostly forgotten.

2.  ICE detained a man while driving his wife to the hospital, for she was pregnant, and on the verge of giving birth. Joel Arrona-Lara, 36, stopped to get gas in San Bernardino, were he was questioned and arrested by ICE. According to his wife, Maria del Carmen Venegas, her husband was taken away after failing to provide identification. A representative for ICE said that they arrested Mr. Arrona-Lara for an “outstanding warrant issued for his arrest in Mexico on homicide charges.” Maybe it’s true that he is wanted for murder, but with Mexico’s corrupt history, and the fact Mr. Arrona-Lara came to America 12 years ago. I doubt that Mexico is really worried about that guy. After all, wouldn’t that contradict Trump’s claim that Mexico sends to America it’s “drug dealers, criminals, rapists.”

3.  To prove why I’ll never believe a word said by anyone from ICE, here’s a headline from DemocracyNow:

In more immigration news, in Texas, armed guards forcibly removed 16 fathers from the Karnes County detention center, where they were being held with their sons after the families were separated at the border and then reunited. Authorities appear to have reseparated the parents and sons as retaliation for their plans to organize a nonviolent protest. Many of the imprisoned fathers said they had been tricked into signing deportation agreements in English that ICE told them were reunification papers. The families have now been reunited, and some have been released. We’ll have more on this story later in the broadcast.

4.  Although Trump’s administration was ordered to reunite 2,654 or more migrant children back in June, and as Splinter News has pointed out “Unsurprisingly, it has not done that-and, in fact, the number of separated children has recently gone up.” Of the 565 children that remain in custody, 24 are five years old or younger, according to the ACLU. Of the 500 parents for the remaining separated children, “it appears only 12 or 13 of over 500 parents have been located, which is just unacceptable at this point,” said Judge Dana Sabraw.

5.  Here’s an insane story reported by the Huffington Post, about a medical clinic in Missouri:

At least 20 women, including Hermeisha Robinson and Dorneshia Zachery, received rejection letters from St. Louis’ Mantality Health center earlier this week. In the email, the company said it did not hire candidates that have what it says are “ghetto names.”

In defense of St. Louis’ Mentality Health, they also denied white trash named people that applied for the jobs too, which included names such as Tucker Haggert, and Destiny Dawson.

6.  It’s not only the right, or white people who can be racist. Candidate for the State Senate for Michigan, Bettie Cook Smith, and what she said about her opponent Rep. Stephanie Chang.

Chang ended up winning the election for the 1st District, and according to the Detroit Metro Times, Scott said some racist things on election day:

Scott is alleged to have referred to Chang as “ching-chang” and “the ching-chong” to multiple voters outside polling precincts during last Tuesday’s election. She’s also said to have called one of Chang’s campaign volunteers an “immigrant,” saying “you don’t belong here” and “I want you out of my country.”

Scott apologized, and said that she looked “forward to meeting with Rep. Chang to express my apologies directly to her as soon as she’s able to meet me.” I’m sure Rep. Chang after winning, is looking forward to talking to someone who called her “ching-chong.”

7.  Owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Jack Phillips, was in the news again. To recall, Mr. Phillips is a man who won a Supreme Court case that allowed him to provide service for same-sex weddings. As Vox reports:

In June 2017, Autumn Scardina, a transgender lawyer, requested cake with a pink-and-blue design to celebrate her birthday and her anniversary of coming out as trans. According to NPR, she was told that Masterpiece does not make cakes that celebrate gender transitions.

“I know the Bible says that God created male and female and that we don’t get to choose that,” said Jack Phillips. That’s the same thing white people said about enslaving black people, and committing genocide against Native Americans, it’s what God said to do. I hope Jack Phillips has to spend the rest of his life defending his bigotry, which would cost more money and less stress than just making gay people, and transgender people a goddamn cake..

8.  In the era of Trump, and an era of Republicans being a white-identity politics party, they need to win by destroying democracy. It’s why they’ve been doing that for a while now, its why they want Brett Kavanaugh to be on the Supreme Court, so that minorities can’t vote. It’s why Randolph County, Georgia, will lose seven of its nine polling places. Randolph County’s population comprises more than 60% of its population. Randolph County is taking away its polling stations, because of the Supreme Court being a majority conservative. What a fucking shock!

9.  To end our racial update, we’re not dealing with racism, as much as we’re dealing with pure stupidity. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said, “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.” For those with historical knowledge, and care for those outside the boundaries of the U.S., that statement makes sense. For Fox & Friends, that statement was insane, so much they showed that they didn’t know what the hell what they were talking about.

Ainsley Earhardt said “We defeated communist Japan, radical Islamists..” After Earhardt rambled on, Doocy said, “Yep. Communism, and Japan, and so many other things as well.” Good job Doocy, other than the fact that Japan wasn’t communist, and the United States has yet to win a war since World War II.



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